New ‘Loading Human’ Trailer Shows Updated Locomotion System

Untold Games has released a new video showing a gameplay demo for Loading Human, a sci-fi adventure game created ground-up for VR headsets and motion control devices like Sixense STEM.

Foreign worlds, mysteries to be solved, sardonic computers leading the action: all par for the course in Untold Games new Loading Human trailer.

The gameplay footage demonstrates a new control system, which allows you to turn slowly by looking to the edge of your head’s turning radius, preventing the sometimes nauseating ‘joystick turn’ which can make you feel like the world is spinning underneath you. Not everyone feels nausea for the same reasons, but we’ll be excited to try the new turning system to see if it helps (or hinders) the experience.

Since its successful Kickstarter back in June, we’ve been curious to see how things were progressing at Untold Games. Unfortunately there’s no download of the new demo to speak of yet, but as soon as it goes up, we’ll be dusting off the Razer Hydra and strapping on the DK2 for a review.

The game, which is made using now free Unreal Engine 4, will eventually go out to PC and Mac, and has also been vetted conceptually for PlayStation4’s ‘Project Morpheus.’ Untold Games is also supporting motion controllers such as the Sixense STEM, Razer Hydra, YEI Technology PrioVR and Virtuix Omni.

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