Image courtesy Sanzaru Games

New Promo Video Suggests Standalone ‘Asgard’s Wrath’ Game Coming to Quest

Meta is putting on its Quest Gaming Showcase in June, and while we’re not certain what standalone goodies the company has in store, a promo video seems to suggest we’ll be getting something from the universe of hit Rift exclusive Asgard’s Wrath (2019).

We say ‘universe’ and not ‘direct port’ because we simply can’t tell for now based on the few seconds of footage, which seems to show Loki’s helmet with what appears to be a shadowy god-like figure in the background.

What suggests the promo may not be a flat-out Rift to Quest port is the desert environment. If you’ve played Asgard’s Wrath on Rift, you may remember some post-credits sequel bait, where you find an Egyptian ankh that suggests a follow-up will take place in an Egyptian-inspired environment.

Meta largely abandoned PC VR gaming almost immediately after releasing Rift S and Asgard’s Wrath in 2019 however, afterwards devoting its clutch of VR gaming studios to produce content for Quest and putting the kibosh on a direct-to-Rift sequel in the process. Maybe the next in the series will live on as a Quest native from the get-go?

It would certainly make more sense than Meta’s Sanzaru Games going back and completely overhauling the original Asgard’s Wrath for Quest, although we haven’t heard anything from the studio since it was acquired by Meta in early 2020. It’s not inconceivable that the original and a sequel could be in the works for Quest.

Meanwhile, we’ll be waiting to hear about the other rash of long-promised Quest content yet to come, including Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Assassin’s Creed Nexus, and Vertigo Games’ upcoming work with Deep Silver’s IP, which could be anything from Metro to Dead Island.

Follow along with us on June 1st at 10 AM PT to find out, as Meta is slated to share over 40 minutes of content, including new game announcements, gameplay first-looks, updates to existing games, and more.

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