Nicole Lazzaro is the founder and president of XEODesign, Inc., and she has twenty years expertise in Player Experience Design for mass-market entertainment products. She’s recently started developing a VR game called Follow the White Rabbit and consulting on a number of different virtual reality projects.
Audio PlayerShe has a lot of insights for how to go beyond an interesting VR tech demo and the elements required to translate that into a full game. She’s come up with a model called Four Keys to Fun, which she describes as the following:
- Easy Fun (Novelty): Curiosity from exploration, role play, and creativity
- Hard Fun (Challenge): Fiero, the epic win, from achieving a difficult goal
- People Fun (Friendship): Amusement from competition and cooperation
- Serious Fun (Meaning): Excitement from changing the player and their world
She talks about some of the VR experiences that she thinks have started to bridge that gap between a novel tech demo and experiences that start to incorporate those challenging and hard fun elements.
Nicole also recently gave a presentation about 5 Must Have VR Strategies for Better Games that provides more details. For more information, then be sure to check out her website for XEODesign, Inc.
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Theme music: “Fatality” by Tigoolio