Oculus is Making Home into a Customizable Social Living Room, Coming to Rift in December


Oculus Home is getting a full overhaul in the new Rift Core 2.0 update coming this December, which promises to add a level of user customization that will let you create a unique, persistent space that you can invite friends to.

Since the beta version of Home was unveiled alongside the consumer Oculus Rift, the space has been a static launchpad for games and experiences. Now the company says it’s “leveling” the current version of Home to make way for a new customizable Home that promises to reflect your own personality and sense of style. The new Home space includes toys, furniture, artwork, and a place to put your achievements on display.

Home is also being changed into a social area that remains persistent, meaning you can share your space with a friend and visit their own. The company says they’ll be opening “new possibilities for community and co-presence, letting you hang out, play, and explore with others.”

The beta for Rift Core 2.0 update will come free to users in December.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • polysix

    way better than steam

  • Ombra Alberto


  • Matias Nassi

    If you replace “Oculus” by “SteamVR” this post describes exactly what SteamVR Home already provides since a few months. Come on Oculus, no original feature to add? Shared space, toys, furniture, artwork, and achievements/trophies all sounds to me…

    • Suitch

      So you hate Steam Home? That is the only logical reason for complaining.

      • Matias Nassi

        No, just saying that they could have been a bit more creative with the added features

        • Suitch

          Golden Rule: If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.

        • ShiftyInc

          Not really sure which SteamVR Home version you are using. But mine is currently nothing like this. It is very barebones compared to what Oculus is doing.

          • Matias Nassi

            I’m currently running SteamVR Home Beta, maybe that’s why. But all those features are already part of SteamVR Home, check here: https://steamcommunity.com/steamvr. Not really sure whether all are included in the stable version at the moment though as I’ve been using the beta since June.

  • Neat, steam may already be doing the exact same thing, but I don’t want to leave my walled garden, its nice.

  • dk

    Customizable Social Living Room……hmm maybe they need to combine it with facebook spaces ….and than make the facebook spaces app for other platforms

  • silvaring

    “invite friends”… why does that sound so familiar /s


    This is what we all had hoped Rift home would be, starting day 1. This and the new DASH. It’s taken WAY too long to get here, but now that it’s coming……HYPED ! :)