Oculus Quest 2 is getting a big update starting today with the rollout of the v23 software which brings a heap of improvements to the headset, including the launch of the ‘Oculus Move’ fitness tracking feature. Many of the updates also benefit the original Quest.

With a gradual rollout starting today, the Quest 2 v23 software update is bringing a bunch of enhancements to the headset. Facebook rolls out updates to users slowly, so not everyone will see the update right away, but you can check for an update manually to see if it’s available to you. Here’s how:

How to Update Quest and Quest 2
  1. In your headset, bring up the Quest menu by pressing the Oculus button on your right controller. Find the Settings section (gear icon).
  2. On the left of the Settings section select ‘About’ at the bottom of the list
  3. Look next to the ‘Software Update’ label to see if a new version is available
  4. Check the ‘Version’ label to see which version is currently installed

Note that some features in the update are experimental and will only be available to a subset of users for the time being.

So what’s in the v23 Quest 2 update? A lot. You can check out the complete release notes here, and we’ve got a breakdown of the major additions below, along with some extra details from Facebook.

90Hz Refresh Rate in Menus and Select Apps

Image courtesy Facebook

First and foremost, Quest 2 is finally getting updated to support 90Hz refresh rate out of the box for all system software and any apps that opt-in to run at that refresh rate. A higher refresh rate makes everything in the headset look smoother and feel a little more real.

Oculus had marketed Quest 2 as having a 90Hz refresh rate (compared to the 72Hz of the original Quest), but at launch it was limited to an opt-in experimental mode which only applied to the headset’s menus. The v23 update makes the 90Hz refresh rate the default in all system software, and also allows developers to update their apps to run at 90Hz if they choose (this will be based on whether the apps can maintain consistent 90 FPS).

Oculus Move Fitness Tracking

Image courtesy Facebook

Facebook is adding a new headset-wide fitness tracking feature to Quest and Quest 2 called Oculus Move. Using the tracked motion of your headset and controllers, the feature estimates the calories burned while playing games in VR and even allows you to set daily goals for fitness activity.

The company says the feature will ask for basic information like your weight, height, and sex to better estimate your calorie burn, and claims this information will “be stored locally on your headset and not shared with Facebook.” Providing the information is also optional; users can skip the step and still use the Oculus Move feature with averages used for the estimation instead.

Somewhat confusingly, the release notes say “these features and enhancements will become available throughout the week of 11/13/20,” but the Oculus Move section says, “Oculus Move is rolling out gradually starting next week,” so although the v23 software is a prerequisite, it sounds like Oculus Move might not start showing up for another week yet.

Reduced Latency and Quest Resolution Improvement

The release notes also indicate that Facebook has reduced overall latency on both Quest and Quest 2 through “software enhancements,” though details are sparse. We reached out to Facebook for additional details and it shared the following:

We implemented a latency reduction technology which can reduce motion to photon latency by managing frame timing according to the application’s actual workload. Compared with the existing fixed latency mode, it can achieve significant latency reduction for many cases. This is a mobile version of a technology already implemented in our PC software.

Specifically for the original Quest the v23 update will bring “improved image resolution” to the headset. Again, details in the release notes are minimal, but Facebook provided us with a bit more info:

Specifically, we increased the [render resolution] for the Home environment, including all System UI. This effectively increased the resolution there, so you’ll see improved crispness/clarity.

New Onboarding Tutorials

Image captured by Road to VR

To help users get up to speed with their new VR headset, Facebook says it has added “a series of mini tutorial experiences to introduce you to the basics of VR.” While the lovely First Steps experience is a great ‘intro to VR’, it seems the new tutorials will be focused on more specific use-cases, perhaps like navigating the system software, downloading new games, browsing the web, etc.

It isn’t yet clear if these will be fully immersive tutorials like First Steps, or more like step-by-step guides with floating boxes in the system menus. We’ll have to wait and see—Facebook says this particular feature is experimental and won’t be available to all users.

Voice Command Improvements

Voice Commands on Quest and Quest 2 are one of the best ways to quickly control your headset, like launching apps, opening menus, changing settings, or dictating text. The v23 update now adds automatic punctuation for dictation:

  • As you speak, dictation will automatically fill in periods, commas, question marks and capitalization. Afterwards, you can give us a thumbs up or thumbs down to provide feedback on your experience.
  • Note: This experience will gradually roll out to English speaking users in the US & Canada.

The dictation button has now been built into the search bar making it easier to search the Store with your voice.

The Voice Commands feature a a whole will also now become available to English speakers in Canada.

– – — – –

With such a big update to Quest and Quest 2, it’s clear that Facebook is continuing to put a ton of energy toward iterating on its standalone headsets and improving the experience over time through software. Keep your eye out for the v23 update, but remember that you might not be eligible to download it for a while yet.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • TechPassion

    Good stuff

  • ComfyWolf

    Is Oculus Move as accurate as Yur?

    • Draylynn

      If it relies on relaying information to the headset for processing, probably not. Standalone headsets struggle to do anything accurately, especially in intense-motion game-play situations… Unlike the sensor setup headsets.

      • ComfyWolf

        Wouldn’t Yur on the Quest have the same problem then? I was more asking as someone already with a Quest, I’d like to know if I should stick with Yur.

        • Oculus copied Yur. Regarding the accuracy, I guess we need some independent tests to evaluate, because both of them will say that theirs is more accurate

          • psuedonymous

            They only ‘copied’ Yur in as much you can copy ‘fitness tracker on a device using an IMU’. If you want to complain about UI, then both Apple and Google’s on-device uses-the-IMU fitness tracker platforms used the same coloured pie chart UI paradigm long before Yur.

          • Cix

            Copying doesn’t matter. You know what does? Blocking us. Breaking us with firmware updates. Trying to poach our CTO. And asking us for a bunch of information and white papers. While using our exact method that we patented.

            If we were in the store, I would have no issue. That’s not what happened.

          • psuedonymous

            Do you have the patent numbers? Searching for company or founder names turns up nothing except an abandoned patent for a tent, and the handful of patents for VR fitness are from unrelated companies. As for API blocking, are you actually using the exposed APIs, or grabbing tracking data while other applications are resident via side channels?Because blocking that is understandable for privacy reasons (https://www.roadtovr.com/stanford-vr-motion-identity-research/), for general good security practices, and for performance monitoring (additional static overhead not present at development time).

            I’m ‘anonymous’ because I see no reason to sign up for yet another account for a service when an account is unnecessary to use it (and for a blog comment section? That’s not worth giving a 3rd party my email address!).

          • Cix

            Interesting that you are anonymous. Why would that be?

      • Brian (Suitch)

        I am fairly certain you don’t have a Quest because you are more than just wrong, you are fanatical. I have a Valve Index and a Quest 2 and tracking-wise they are essentially equals.

  • Craig Sosebee

    Big update? Isn’t this just starting to deliver on the Quest 2 advertised features? If I’m being honest most of the new graphic enhancements are negated by the poor quality of the lenses used. If you are into ghost trails/god rays and small sweet spots….you are in luck.

    • shadow9d9

      Your desperation is showing.

    • Zantetsu

      I previously owned a Vive and Vive Pro. THOSE had terrible lenses and small sweet spots. I also have a Valve Index and its lenses are somewhat better than the Vive/Vive Pro.

      The Quest/Quest 2 have lenses and sweet spot on par with or possibly slightly better than the Valve Index.

      The takeaway here is that ALL VR lenses to date suck, just to different degrees. Quest 2 lenses are pretty good compared to others.

      • Rudl Za Vedno

        Reverb G2 lenses seems quite awesome. Tyriel, Sebastian from MRTV and VR Oasis confirmed that. I can’t wait to see the difference with my G1 (which has awfully narrow sweet-spot).

      • kontis

        Apparently there is Quality Control issue with Quest 2 and SOME people get very bad lenses.

        so one Quest 2 =/= another Quest 2

        • Bob


        • Brian (Suitch)

          I have not heard of this anywhere except by you, so we are gonna need a source. I am fine with people hating on needing a Facebook account for Oculus headsets now, but straight lying isn’t going to help generate competition for them.

    • Dave

      I have seen countless reviews of the Quest 2, what you’ve put there is rubbish. Take a hike pal.

      • geronimo

        i’m not gonna bother looking into the context of the conversation, but the use of “take a hike pal” gets an upvote and lol from me.

    • Arno van Wingerde

      Ehm… have you seen the comparison between the Quest2 , Valve Index and HP Reverb2 like by TyRiel Wood? Quest2 even slightly beats the Index. I do not think anybody thinks the Index is awful…

    • Maybe you have this issue? https://youtu.be/YOpFwpbSxSg

  • Rupert Jung

    No update for me, still version 21 :(

    • Foreign Devil

      Me too. I’m in Canada. Did other people even get a version 22 yet? or is it going to skip from 21 to 23??

      • Smokey_the_Bear

        I think it skips. I’m an American, and still rockin 21. :(

  • geronimo

    If you’re using the Quest 2 to exercise, don’t put too much faith into the calorie counter. It’s not going to be accurate. Best thing to do is just use it as a score to compare to other workouts.

    • Rosko

      I would guess its massively exaggerated, hopefully it will motivate some people to exercise more rather that eat more.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      Well it isn’t going to be any more accurate as any other calorie counter like fitbit..

      • William Park

        Fitbits have heart rate monitors which can be used to do a better prediction, actually.

      • asdf

        fitbit uses an IR light to watch your blood flow and more.

  • I want vocal commands here in Europe too!

    • Iraida Clark

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  • Jesusaves

    I haven’t seen the update yet. Had I thought a usb 3.1 but oculus test showed it was only a 2.

  • Rupert Jung

    Tracking is just perfect now (when controllers are visible) but Oculus Link is still very picky about cables and connections. Wish they would finally make this wireless.

  • Ragbone

    Does this update work for non VR headsets?

  • xyzs

    That would be nice if they communicated why only some of their users can access the update after they globally announce it.
    That would be great to let the ‘advanced’ users to force their update if they want to…