Oculus Releases ‘Superhot VR’ Trailer, Exclusive to Touch “for now”


Oculus today released a first peak into the world of Superhot VR, the VR version of the smash hit first-person shooter that came to PC earlier this year. The fast-paced shooter is heading to Oculus Home in the coming months thanks to game’s integration of Touch.

Teased last month in the Superhot devlog, the stylized shooter is said to be an Oculus Touch exclusive “for now,” possibly hinting at a later edition available for other headsets. Oculus has today released the new trailer to show off just what you can do with the company’s natural input controllers. Punching, shooting, and tossing weapons at the game’s frangible enemies is cool, but doing it with your own two hands is even cooler.


“We’re now working super close with the guys at Oculus to release SUPERHOT VR later this year,” said developer Szymon Krukowski. “We’re really trying to capitalize on all of the new design possibilities that Virtual Reality is giving us. The level of game immersion that you get from playing SUPERHOT in VR is simply crazy. We try to add as much as we can to that from us. Recently, we played around with holophonics type of sounds in SUPERHOT. Thanks to that you will be able to for example “locate” a passing bullet just by the noise it creates.”

There is still no definite release date for Superhot VR.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Pete

    Did Oculus ever give a touch release date? Or is this still in limbo?

    • dextrovix

      Not yet, it looks like it’ll be Autumn now- no price information either yet.

      • Pete

        Well they took to long. That and Oculus bad practices, I canceled my Rift and keeping my Vive order.

  • Massimo Depero

    Amigas, Amigas everywhere

    • dextrovix

      Lol- and to me, it seems so long ago that I used one.