After the Oculus Rift Marvel Powers United bundle was briefly on sale for $350 at Best Buy, now the basic Rift package has dropped to $350 at Amazon US, a $50 discount, which is about as good as you can hope to find.

It’s not the bundle with Marvel Powers United VR, but the Oculus Rift package on sale for $350 at Amazon US right now is the usual package, including the headset, Touch controllers, two Sensors, and a set of free games: Lucky’s Tale, Medium, Quill, Dead and Buried, and Robo Recall.

HTC Opens Its Viveport VR App Store to Oculus Rift Users

That’s a $50 discount over the usual MSRP, which is a good find as it’s the same sale that was offered last year during holiday promotions like Black Friday. If you’re thinking of dropping your savings on some games, check out our top five game picks for the Rift, or if you’re sticking to a budget definitely consider our top free game picks for the Rift.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Zach Mauch

    I bet one will be able to get it for around 250 during Black Friday sales.

    • Patrick Bradley

      at that price, i’d buy one even with my vive.

  • Was there even once price drop in UE? ;_;

    • Andrew Jakobs

      Nope :'( still 449 euro’s (but that’s tax and shipping included, ‘powers unlimited bundle’).

  • Ombra Alberto

    If Oculus wants to make a change of pace on his Store, he must start bringing titles similar to Skyrim and F04.
    Titles that have the same plot depth

  • Neil Lawson (Plague Studios)

    Its still $399 on Amazon US, idk what hes on about with the article

  • jeff courtney

    Great deal guys,its the best way to get a aaa vr.Praise Jesus!

  • Get Schwifty!

    Apparently it’s already gone off the $350 price hitting the link… too bad, not that I need one obviously, but anything to help the cause. $350 is a helluva a good deal for what you get….

  • HybridEnergy

    They need a CV2 Pro, I can’t take anything under 3k res anymore seriously.