Touch, the long awaited natural input controller for the Oculus Rift, still doesn’t have an official price or release date—but a tweet from Nick Summers, associate editor at Engadget UK, has revealed that Oculus Touch is going to be priced at £189.99, at least in Britain.

While no specific location was mentioned in the tweet by Summers, to our eyes it looked suspiciously close to a GAME store in London’s Westfield Stratford City shopping center. GAME, a Britain-based video game store similar to GameStop, is an official retailer of Oculus products.

We called up the store and received confirmation that not only are Touch pre-orders being taken today for the price of £50 deposit, but was quoted a ‘winter release’ for the controllers by an in-store Oculus rep.

It’s possible that the additional sign insert advertising Touch pre-orders was to be added at a later date, as the Rift headset itself was released across UK stores including John Lewis, Currys PC World, and Harrods today.

The sign showing the Oculus Touch pre-orders was only set up this morning along with the Rift advertisement.

This isn’t the first apparent price leak of Touch however. In the course of a week, two German electronic stores—MediaMarkt and Saturn—posted online listings of Touch, citing a €199 price with a November 21st delivery date. Price and shipping information has since been stripped from the online retailers’ respective listings.


Online retailers are known for occasionally publishing placeholder prices, but a sign in a shop window taking pre-orders, even erroneously, nails the price of Touch down that much tighter.

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The only question left: What’s the price in the US?

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.