Sony’s pre-E3 press conference saw the announcement of a number of high-profile games headed for PSVR after the headset’s October 13th launch, and to wit, we’re currently perusing over 20 PSVR games right now in the post-press mop up.

Here’s the full list of all 29 games/apps currently showing at E3:

  • Batman: Arkham VR
  • Gnog
  • Headmaster
  • Volume Coda
  • PSVR Movie Player
  • VRSE
  • Super Hyper Cube
  • Battle Zone
  • Resident Evil: Biohazard
  • Bound
  • Eve: Valkyrie
  • Thumper
  • Pschonauts: in the Rhombus of Ruin
  • Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
  • Robinson the Journey
  • Rush of Blood
  • Hamonix Music VR
  • Final Fantasy XV
  • Tethered
  • 100ft Robot Golf
  • RIGS
  • How We Soar
  • Farpoint
  • PlayStation VR Worlds
  • Wayward Sky
  • Statik Institute of Retention
  • Here They Lie
  • Rezoo Infinite
  • The Playroom VR

Check back for more hands-on articles for all the newest PSVR games currently on offer at E3 2016.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • jlschmugge

    Man, if people weren’t already pissed at the Rift for exclusives… That’s a lot of games that I won’t be able to play.

    • ReddChief78

      PC VR isn’t gonna have no where near the support as PSVR so people shouldn’t be surprised.

      • Jason Lee

        VR is already so far beyond primitive PC BS. Mobile is its proper destination, not tied to a PC. I hope those loud mouths can handle that.

        • dextrovix

          Primitive PC? It’s where the innovations happen! Good luck putting 90+ FPS through a mobile that doesn’t burn through your hand first. I’d like a portable VR experience sure- we’ll get that eventually. But guess what- not on a walled-gardened console, and not on a mobile first. Hope you can handle that.

          • jlschmugge

            I feel he is forward-thinking. PCs, now, are the only thing in people’s homes with enough raw power to run real VR. Eventually mobile or wireless VR will catch up, especially if VR is to be adopted by the masses who want something easy and affordable.

          • dextrovix

            Indeed, I concur that VR for the masses is what will eventually happen, but for the foreseeable future it will be joined to expensive bulky kit, and therefore the use of the word primitive above is baseless, when it takes much more innovation to bring the size down and open up the delivery hardware platform. Certainly way more than any PC and PSVR solution can provide today.

  • TONX

    Damn no Ace Combat? Was looking forward to impressions.

  • Wow, looks like PSVR has all the games I like most. :D

  • Anthony Dean Piniella

    Do any of these have online multiplayer like an MMO

  • Krazy Bone

    Most popular is psvr and a lot of people don’t know that it works on pc. 120hz too