Is This The Destiny of AR? 2 Visions of an Augmented Reality Future [videos]


I’d like to present two excellent AR concept videos which give a little glimpse into our world, not too far into the future, where AR is an integral part of life. Wearable computing and augmented reality are almost inevitable, but exactly how they’ll be utilized — for better or worse — is anyone’s guess. These two videos not only show realistic possibilities of advanced AR technology but also present smart commentary on the ramifications of such connected technology.

Experience Augmented Reality Now on Your iPhone or Android Phone for Free with Aurasma


Aurasma is a free augmented reality app that runs on iOS (iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad), and Android. Using your phone’s camera and other sensors, the app projects digital scenes onto the real world through your device’s viewfinder. Aurasma is definitely a neat piece of demo technology but the question that haunts augmented reality remains: what is it good for?

PCGamer Goes Hands-on With the Oculus Rift in Video: “Everything You’ve Heard is True”


PCGamer’s Owen Hill met with Palmer Luckey and some folks from Oculus to try out the Rift at Gamescom. After using it, he opines “The Oculus Rift is the most exciting peripheral I’ve ever used. This is the virtual reality headset I’ve been dreaming of since I was a little boy; true future tech that will redefine what it means to play games.”

Oculus Rift News Bits: Kickstarter Passes $2 Million, Palmer Luckey AMAA Today, Oculus Office in South Korea, and More!


With 3 days left, the Oculus Rift Kickstarter has passed the $2 million funding threshold. This is a huge landmark for the campaign which originally sought to raise $250 thousand in funding. Sitting pretty at 803% of its funding goal, the Oculus Rift Kickstarter is likely to end as the 6th highest grossing Kickstarter campaign of all time. Palmer Luckey, the mind behind the Oculus Rift, has shared some behind-the-scenes data about the funding.

Hawken Will be Oculus Rift Ready At Launch, Looks Incredible [video]


Here’s some excellent news for anyone interersted in the Oculus Rift. Adhesive Games, the studio behind the upcoming (and awesome looking) Hawken has announced in conjunction with Oculus that the title will be Oculus Rift ready when it launches this December. Hawken is an upcoming free-to-play ‘mech‘ title which I’ve had my eye on for some time. The game world has gone too long without a standout mech game. What already looked to be a visceral experience, with a world full of gritty detailed environments and massive battling robots,  is now being taken to the next level thanks to Oculus Rift support.

Oculus Rift Kickstarter Infographic: Almost 2 Million in Funding With 7 Days Remaining


With just 7 days remaining in the Oculus Rift Kickstarter which is nearing $2 million in funding, the campaign easily passed my early $1 million estimate. I took all of the publicly available data from the Kickstarter and compiled it into an infographic to get a visual overview of the campaign thus far.

Inreal Technologies Virtualizes Architecture Environments, Working on VR Locomotion Device and More


Inreal Technologies is a German-based startup that is offering a virtual reality terminal which is targeted toward architecture visualization. The terminal incorporates the Carl Zeiss Cinemizer head mounted display which is combined with a head-tracker developed by Inreal which will be sold as the official Cinemizer headtracker. Inreal looks to focus on consumer virtual reality products, including a locomotion device, in the future.

HMD Specs Comparison: Oculus Rift vs. Silicon Micro Display ST1080 vs. Sony HMZ-T1


Looking for an Oculus Rift game list? Click here.

In the last 9 months we’ve seen two consumer-oriented HMDs hit the market, Sony’s HMZ-T1 and Silicon Micro Display’s ST1080. Now the Oculus Rift VR headset is on the way and seeks to create an affordable HMD that could change the face of gaming as we know it. The natural question to ask is how these three devices compare. Here I’ve gathered all the available technical specs for these three head mounted displays / VR headsets and put them in one easy to view place, right here:

Datura Virtual Reality Setup Using Sony HMZ-T1 HMD


Though the big news lately has been about the Oculus Rift, Sony’s HMZ-T1 is still a solid HMD option thanks to its 720p resolution and incredible OLED displays. A few months back, Platige Image was brought in to create an immersive virtual reality setup to promote the game Datura, a PlayStation 3 exclusive title that was developed by Plastic Group for Sony’s PlayStation Move motion peripheral.

John Carmack Talks Doom 4 Oculus Rift Integration in New Interview at QuakeCon 2012


GameTrailers caught up with John Carmack, at QuakeCon 2012, who has been giving the media demos of the Oculus Rift since E3 in early June. This is essentially the same spiel we’ve heard from Carmack at E3 with the addition of some information regarding the development of Doom 4 with the Oculus Rift in mind, as well as a good amount of footage showing the pre-Oculus output that runs into the forthcoming HMD.

Silicon Micro Display ST1080 HMD Update Adds 720p Scaling


Silicon Micro Display’s ST1080 head mounted display has been on the market for a few months now. The HMD has been lauded for its high resolution 1080p display but shipped without the ability to scale up 720p content to fill the entire screen. Instead, 720p content would fill a smaller portion of the screen. Thanks to a new free update available from SMD, the ST1080 can now scale 720p content correctly.

Oculus Rift Kickstarter Adds Bulk-buy Dev-team Tiers with Premium Support


The Oculus Rift Kickstarter continues to raise funds; check the sidebar on the right and you’ll find that it is currently sitting at $1.34 million, 536% of the funding goal. Given the excitement, and in an effort to get more developers on board, Oculus has added two new bulk-buy tiers which they say are “perfect for the established or indie game game studio interested in working with the Rift immediately.”

Watch the QuakeCon Virtual Reality Keynotes Here


At QuakeCon this week there were two keynotes that are relevant to the VR world. These presentations were streamed live, but if you missed them  they’re now available in their recorded form.

Watch the QuakeCon VR Keynote Tonight Live at 7PM EST. Oculus Rift Kickstarter Passes $1 Million Under 36 Hours


Tonight at QuakeCon a panel of VR experts will take the stage to talk about the future of VR and the Oculus Rift. Speaking of which, the Oculus Rift Kickstarter has passed $1 million in less than 36 hours and is now 440% funded!

Oculus Rift Kickstarter 230% Funded Before Day 1 Ends, Well on the way to $1 Million; Minecraft Support Coming


We knew that the Oculus Rift was going to be big… but this big?! After only 3 hours or so Kickstarter contributors had backed about $130,000, about 56% of the $250,000 goal. At the time of writing (8:28pm EST), the Oculus Rift Kickstarter has been live for around 10 hours and is currently sitting at $580,000 which is 230% of the goal.


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