Paper Beast, the surreal wildlife simulation from the creator behind cult classic platformer Another World (1991), was originally slated to arrive on PSVR sometime last year. The wait is however over, as developers Pixel Reef release Paper Beast on PSVR today.

Update (March 24th, 2020): Paper Beast is launching today on PSVR. We haven’t had a chance to review, although in the meantime you should definitely check out our  20-minute demo from Gamescom 2019, which gave us a good look at what this serene, meditative simulation game is all about. Don’t miss out on both the release and gameplay trailers below:

Original Article (December 10th, 2019): Éric Chahi, lead developer and head of his newly formed studio Pixel Reef, is no stranger to the weird and oftentimes unconventional worlds, and makes no exception with Paper Beast. He’s the mind behind cinematic platformer action-adventure games such as Another World, Heart of Darkness (1998), and god-game From Dust (2011).

I got a 20-minute demo at this year’s Gamescom back in August, and while the game may seem like a strange nut to crack, I left at very least with the sense that I had truly explored new territory.

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Although it’s not a game in the traditional sense, it did leave me feeling like there was a wider story to be told here. Even Chahi himself wouldn’t tell me exactly what that would be, but rather the story would be told only through the happenings in the physics-based environment; no text and no vocal cues.

Paper Beast was previously slated to launch on PSVR first, then on PS4 sometime afterwards, however the studio’s update factsheet maintains it is a PSVR-only experience.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Xron

    I guess kids will like it alot. Even grown ups will.

  • Trenix

    Seems like a game that would be fun for a little but will get bored once you’ve seen everything.

    • Ploulack

      Like a good book movie and stage play :)

    • Charles

      There’s definitely a place in VR for short, interesting experiences. They’re fun to show off to people who are new to VR. Just needs to be priced appropriately low.

      • Trenix

        We need fully fleshed out games, not demos. Still to this day, mobile gaming hasn’t gotten anywhere, except being overpriced garbage mini-games. Lets not make VR the same.

        • Skippy76

          Then buy a PC VR system. Theres tons

          • Trenix

            I already have a Valve Index.

  • david vincent

    Looks like Éric Chahi still has it in him !

  • The graphical style of this game looks astonishing

  • I could watch the graphics for hours. I think the game is not for me, but the graphics yes