Pavlov VR, the Early Access VR shooter from indie developer davevillz, has a new badge under the ‘VR Support’ category on its Steam page which now indicates official support for Oculus Rift. Including a few minor bug fixes, the team added  the announcement that a Battle Royale mode will be coming to the game in 2018, no doubt capitalizing on the success of Players Unknown Battle Ground (PUBG).

Davevillz announced the update on the game’s Steam blog, saying the Oculus implementation “is at a point where im [sic] comfortable to mark it as compatible in the store page.” Davevillz admits however “there’s still a few issues that need to get improved and fixed overtime.”

The game was originally designed primarily for use with HTC Vive, although subsequent updates added things like snap-turning and Touch-specific button mapping to make using the Rift’s controllers a little easier. While Rift players could always play Pavlov VR thanks to Steam’s OpenVR API, it’s nice to know the game can boast official support for anyone without the understanding of how SteamVR works.

Davevillz says updates have been sparse because of the upcoming Battle Royale mode, slated for a 2018 release. He suggests you keep an eye on the game’s official Discord channel for scheduled play tests (we know we will).

It’s uncertain how the Battle Royale mode will work, as the game is mostly centered around close-quarters combat and maps ported/recreated from popular games such as Counter Strike and N64 classic GoldenEye 007 (1997). A new refocusing of the game to become more openworld, and hence more PUBG-like, would be an interesting turn to say the least.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Griffin

    “It’s uncertain how the Battle Royale mode will work, as the game is mostly centered around close-quarters combat”

    sounds like someone didn’t play the Battle Royal Beta dave had.

    in the beta it was two teams on a new map you dropped in from a floating platform

  • Zachary Scott Dickerson

    Yes please. I love the feel of guns of Pavlov second only to Onward. Stand-Out VR is great (the new VR battle royale game), but lacks much polish for weapon/graphics, which Pavlov would feel great.

  • impurekind

    Cool. I’ll give it another go now. It was totally broken last time I tried to play it on my Rift.

  • nebošlo

    I had no idea it didn’t officially support the Rift, it just always worked great for me anyway. And I’ve been playing this for a while now.