Mixed Realms is bringing its action-packed cyber ninja simulator Sairento VR (2018) to Rift users for free this weekend, which includes a campaign mode and online multiplayer for up to four other players in PvP and PvE modes.

Now out of early access, Sairento VR was recently revealed to be in the top 24 best-selling VR games on Steam of 2018 (so far). There’s reason: high-flying ninja power fantasies galore.

With the ability to fly high into the air, executing quadruple jumps, wall runs, power slides, and back flips, you rip through enemies with katanas, guns, bows, throwing glaives, shurikens, and kunais—everything the aspiring ninja may need with its nearly 20 weapons at your disposal.

The free weekend for Rift users is already in effect, and continues through Monday, July 9th at 3:00 AM ET (local time here). Check out the game here.

Oculus has been holding free weekends for select multiplayer games for some time now, and it’s a great way to pack the servers with fresh players so you can see a multiplayer game at its best. These tend to coincide with sales to entice permanent ownership of the game; Sairento VR is now 20% off, knocked down from $30 to $24 for the duration of the free weekend.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • kool

    I can’t wait until this hits psvr!

  • Les Vega

    awesome game once you give it the time to learn it’s movement systems and the player progression system gives it a ton of replay value.

  • JJ

    My roomate and I looooove this game. The motion makes you feel like a ninja, and the weapon mods can change the game play a ton. One mode makes the game like super hot

  • Nick Dauchot

    First time busting my knuckle in VR was done trying to decapitate a ninja.

  • MarquisDeSang

    It does not work with Mixed Reality, the controls are horrible with the touchpad and the DEV really don’t give a damn.

    • JJ

      damn thats sad to hear :( The devs have been really involved in this game so its hard to believe they don’t give a damn but i still believe you. You know this game takes some extensive arm movements that are distant from the body and mixed reality really wasn’t built to have good controller tracking out side of the heads narrow view. So at some point theres not much the DEVS can do and thats why you see these same issues in a lot of games coming out. So bash Mixed reality, not Sairento. Im gona try it with my mixed set and ill report if it worked or not.

    • Dweomer

      Dev here! Really sorry to hear that you’ve been experiencing issues with WMR, but we do care about our game and we are still actively supporting it.

      To explain further – we currently in fact support every feature of WMR through Steam VR, 1-to-1 with all other headsets like Oculus or Vive. In WMR’s case, the joystick/touchpad functionality was mapped to the touchpad.

      The glaring exception is that the joystick does not function apart from calling the home feature, which we have received many requests to work on. We are currently looking into adding this joystick compatibility at the end of the month.

      • MarquisDeSang

        I will buy it again when it does fully support the thumbstick for MR. I was under the impression that you did not care because the last time I checked (2 months ago) you never replied to the many request about MR on your Steam forum. Maybe I am wrong, but most of the DEV don’t give a Flying F.. about MR.