PlayStation VR: What You Do and Don’t Get in the Box

The PlayStation VR headset will be available from October 2016 for $399, but what do you get for your 400 bucks? That how does what’s missing cost you?

As an additional piece of hardware dedicated to gaming, the PlayStation VR headset might seem expensive at $399 (£349), but consider the next tethered, ‘full fledged’ VR experience comes in the form of the Oculus Rift at $599 with the HTC Vive running $799 – all without shipping – the PSVR begins to look like great value.

But what do you get for your money? Well first, what’s missing? You obviously don’t get a PS4 console, required to power the PlayStation 4. But, perhaps surprisingly for some, you also don’t get the required PlayStation Camera either, needed for tracking the headset. Finally, you won’t find the controllers of choice for PlayStation VR – the Move controllers in the box either.

Here’s what you do get (as pictured above):

  • PlayStation VR headset
  • Processor unit
  • Stereo earbuds
  • HDMI cable
  • USB cable
  • AC adaptor and power cord
  • PS VR headset connection adaptor

So how much will the required components set you back in addition to your $399 outlay? Here’s the breakdown:

  • PlayStation Camera: List Price $59.99 (Amazon Price: $44.08)
  • PlayStation Move Controller (x2): List Price $99.98 (Amazon Price: $57.98)
  • PlayStation 4 Console: List Price $399.99 (Amazon Price: 367.49)

Using the Amazon prices, the whole lot will set you back $469 (no shipping included), add in the PlayStation VR headset price at $399 and you’re looking at a total cost of $869.54. That, of course, is before you buy any games – none are listed as included with the PlayStation VR.

Even with all that considered, placed next to the cost of an Oculus Rift of HTC Vive headset and the powerful gaming PC required to run it, it still represents good comparative value for money. Of course, the level of experience in terms of fidelity between a PS4 powered VR experience may not match that of the PC of course.

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