Project CARS 3, the upcoming sequel to the racing simulator franchise, is set to include VR support when it launches on PC this August.

Update (June 24th, 2020): Slightly Mad Studios has confirmed that Project CARS 3 will be releasing on all supported platforms on August 28th, 2020. The original article follows below:

Original Article (June 4th, 2020): The game, which was recently unveiled by Slightly Mad Studios, is set to include a bevy of new features in addition to 12K resolution and what it calls “best in class VR support” on PC.

The studio says it will include over 200 race and road cars, over 140 global tracks, customizable liveries, and car upgrades with ‘realistic’ performance parts. Tracks are said to include a 24-hour night and day cycle with all weather represented in addition to “enhanced” AI racers. A new career mode promises to be “deeply engaging.”

'Project CARS 2' VR Review – An Ambitious Sequel With Serious Potential

The Project Cars franchise has included VR support since the first in the series was released in 2015, which at the time was experimental but notably a step in the right direction for racing sim fans. Project Cars 2 (2017) improved upon it predecessor with, among other things, a better physics engine, putting in more firmly in the simulator side of things. It also included full SteamVR headset support for the modern era of consumer VR.

There’s no word yet on whether the studio is working on PSVR support as well for the PS4 version, or whether a possible PS5 version will offer it thanks to the upcoming console’s beefier specs, which is said to pack an 8-core AMD Zen CPU, AMD Navi GPU, custom SSD, 4K Blu-ray player.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • kuhpunkt


  • blue5peed

    Tantalising, I just want to cruse not even race. To ride off into the sunset in my Ferrari. I wish there was a way to walk around your car to admire it. Most of the racing games have a flat menu system but the game is VR. I want a proper immersive garage that would be awesome.

    • gothicvillas

      Exactly! They always make games with exhilarating speeds pedal to the floor. Why not some enjoyable rides, maybe tight wooden bridge, narrow streets in some old italian village. Loads of scenarios where your driving skill can be tested without going 200 mph

      • Kevin White

        I’ve heard GTA5 now has decent VR support for driving around. I also wished Forza Horizon 4 would get VR support.

        • gothicvillas

          I have put some decent hours in gta5 VR driving with steering wheel and gear stick. Just cruising and having Spotify mix in the background. Driving by the traffic rules and just enjoying the scenery. Wonderful. But.. it is still a fan made mod which is great but a bit fiddly.

          • antonio mora

            You should definitely play the Truck Simulator games if you haven’t already, they’re both fantastic for admiring the scenery at low speeds

      • Holger Fischer

        I keep my fingers crossed for Test Drive Unlimited 3 with VR support. This would be perfect.

    • gothicvillas

      Just remembered, gran turismo on psvr had a small vr section and garage as you described where you could explore the cars from outside and inside. It was very well done btw considering it was on psvr

    • Gonzax

      Yeah, totally, my favorite parts of the game were the urban roads like Azure Coast, California and Scotland, just normal roads you could drive on. Racing is cool too but I’d like to have hundreds of miles to just cruise on them.

  • Donny Ellis Del Rio

    If and when they could include a solid engine view and promote technical viewpoints in the ‘garage’ to provide the ‘driver’ being able to adjust on the fly, would be much apreciated. I am already a fan from the PC2 wich in my oppinion already has been done pretty good in terms of the VR aspect, could be have some improvements here and there and wonder why not just update this engine, wich already is good, then produce a whole new game?

  • Ron

    Hope it has the new indycars

  • Alexisms

    Rare for a Codemasters game to include VR ;)

    • GunnyNinja

      Buying the dev doesn’t make it a codemasters game.

      • Alexisms

        I don’t know how much clearer i could make it that i wasn’t being totally serious by putting a winky face.

      • Adrian Meredith

        Tell that to every studio that’s been bought by ea

  • mfx

    Apparently (confirmed by team) the game drops its realistic simulation goal to get instead a need for speed arcade feel.
    Big no go.

    • Martin355

      physics engine and the simulation under the hood – it’s not exactly the
      same as it was before, but it’s exactly as sim-focussed as it was
      before,” Project Cars 3’s director of production Pete Morrish reassures

  • Awesome news!

  • Rosko

    It will suffer from the same issues as all the other pcars games with bugs, poor Ai & poor ffb. It will also feature some dumb game design decisions by Ian Bell.

  • Bumpy

    Nice I guess but I want an open world racing SP sim in VR please.

    Something like The Crew or Test Drive Unlimited but full sim in all aspects. comes closest but has zero campaign.