Michel-ReilhacMichel Reilhac is a French filmmaker who wanted to explore intimacy and polyamory within an immersive 360 video called Viens! (Come!). His Sundance New Frontier piece featured 3 women and four men exploring sensual touch and sexual intimacy with each other. Michel wanted to explore representations of the naked body and the tantric philosophy of using sexual energies for spiritual transformation.


It’s a very provocative 12-minute piece that explores the spectrum between voyeurism and shared intimacy, questions whether something sacred could be transmitted digitally, and pushes the boundaries of presence by experimenting with eye contact. I had a chance to talk with Michel about his intentions with the piece, and how he sees VR can be used to challenge cultural taboos around sharing sexual connections with more than one partner.

Viens! is unfortunately not available to view online anywhere, but I’d expect to see more first-person perspectives similar to this that have the intention to simulate a direct experience of witnessing alternative sexuality in practice.

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Theme music: “Fatality” by Tigoolio

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  • Joe Aywas

    So Glorified Porn basically….

  • Michael

    Why the hell do they keep writing retarded things like these? Just
    because some off-hand people doing weird stuff in the corner of the
    world are making something, doesn’t mean you write about it. I come here
    for VR news, but whoever is writing this stuff is a joke.

  • OgreTactics

    Looks interesting. Michel Reilhac was one of the CEO of Arte, it’s interesting he turned to VR. Then I’m sure there are tons other themes to explore than bourgeois “polyamour” new age BS.