A new update to popular Social VR app Rec Room adds a new invite-only space where friends can gather to play new activities in a private space. And now, players can host their own invite-only activities.

Normally, when you load into Rec Room, you’ll join a randomly selected lobby full of strangers. When you go to partake in one of the programs many activities—like paintball or frisbee golf—you’ll also be put into a game full of strangers. While meeting new people this way can be fun, one major draw of Rec Room is its ability to connect people who already know each other by other means. A new update to the game now makes that much easier.

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Invite-Only Activities

New Invite-Only activities allow you to create a private instance of any one of the game’s activities and then invite people from your friends list. So now you can have a private game of paintball to settle that grudge between your friends.

rec-room-paintballInvite-Only activities are hosted easily using the game’s watch menu. Now, in the same place where you would normally join an activity, you’ll find a new ‘Create’ button to start a new private instance of that activity.

The Lounge

The Lounge goes hand-in-hand with the new Invite-Only system. This is an Invite-Only space that itself has a few mini games inside. Unlike Rec Room’s other activities, the Lounge can only be accessed as a private space.

Once you fire up the Lounge, you can invite friends to join. Inside you’ll find a deck of playing cards, a white board, a ping pong table, dart board, and a pile of word cards for pictionary using the game’s ‘3D Pen’, which lets you draw in the air like Tilt Brush. What you do with these tools us up to you and your compatriots.

rec-room-3d-charadesAfter you get the obvious poker and hang-man out of your system, I’m sure there’s some inventive fun to be had by mixing it all together, and we’ll be excited to see what ‘home-made’ games the community comes up with.

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The full list of tweaks brought by the latest update can be found here. Rec Room is available for free on the HTC Vive and now on Oculus Home (with Touch) as well.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."