Usage friction—the time and effort it takes before actually starting to do anything in VR—remains a major hurdle for more mainstream adoption of VR. While hardware advancements have and will continue to reduce friction, there’s still a completely untapped opportunity that’s purely on the software side of the equation: pre-headset selection and loading.

One thing that I thought would be more widely understood by this point is that a low amount of time between when players put on their headset and when they actually start having fun can make a given VR game much more appealing to play. That’s one reason why Beat Saber has such a sustained audience—it’s ‘time-to-play’ is very short; we’re talking about a matter of 20 seconds between the menu and selecting the song you want to play.

On the other hand, a game like Robo Recall: Unplugged is busy showing players logos and splash screens by the time a Beat Saber player is already slicing into some gameplay. It takes Robo Recall about 1 minute and 24 seconds, in the best case, to get players playing. That’s more than four times as long. Here’s the comparison on Quest in real-time:

Now, just to make the point clear, let’s think about this from the perspective of someone posting their gameplay session to YouTube for others to watch. All of that loading and selecting time is precisely the kind of footage that would be cut out of the video. Why? Because it’s not interesting.

Worse than being not interesting, it leaves its mark in the mind of users as friction. Next time a player thinks about potentially playing a game, remembering that friction could well be the difference between a user deciding to put the headset or, or not.

So you might be saying “so what, even non-VR games have menus and loading times, so how’s this different?” I’m glad you asked. The thing that makes it different is that when you’re in VR, you’re effectively wearing a blindfold to the real world. So while waiting for a non-VR game to load on my PC I can check my smartphone or go grab a drink from the kitchen, in VR I’m just standing there doing basically nothing.

So the fix here seems pretty obvious, and that’s to decouple the boring loading and selection stuff from actually wearing the headset. Ideally, players should be able to launch and control their game from outside of the headset until the moment the game is ready to show them the fun.

Now, that’s not to say that every VR game needs to be, or even can be, like Beat Saber; it’s a lightweight arcade game that doesn’t need to load complex levels like Robo Recall. But the point is not that loading times need to be lower. The point is that many games could massively reduce the feeling of friction by being structured in a way that the initial ‘administrative’ tasks and loading happens before the player ever puts on their headset.

Launching games from outside of the headset is already possible on all platforms, and that can cut out a bit of the waiting time. But what ought to be possible is for players to make many of the initial pre-gameplay choices via their phone or PC long before they actually need to put on their headset. Rather than putting on your headset and being prompted to ‘Press any button to watch a menu load’ players should be prompted with ‘Press any button to start playing’.

Three Totally Creative Uses of Quest Hand-tracking

And yes, I know that a game like Robo Recall is using its pre-level area (the office) secondarily as a means of immersing players in the world, and that’s great. But loading that space could definitely happen before the headset gets put on, and perhaps it could even be optional so that players who know exactly what they want to do in the game (ie: load a certain level) could do so outside of the headset just as easily as inside the headset.

Even when it comes to Beat Saber, which is already on the leading edge of time-to-play, I guarantee the game would boost its usage metrics if restructured so that players could launch the game, select their mode and song, and be ready to start cutting blocks from the moment they put on their headset.

Further, if that selection and loading time was decoupled from actually wearing the headset, it could be parallelized with the other ‘VR prep’ that inevitably needs to be done, like moving things out of your playspace, drawing the blinds, closing other PC applications (if using PC VR), and checking your phone for important notifications before diving in for a long session. In that way, friction is reduced yet further.

– – — – –

When we’re talking about a scale of a minute or two, it’s easy to brush this off as ‘not a big deal’, but it really does matter. Imagine, for just a moment, that every time you wanted to check or send a text message on your phone that it took your messaging app 60 seconds to load instead of 1 second. How many less messages would you send throughout the day?

There’s a non-linear relationship between how long it takes to do something and how people will use it. So it’s important to ask—if it takes 60 to 120 seconds from the time a user puts on their headset to the time they’re actually playing, how much less often will they choose to do that than if it were 10 seconds, or 5, or 1?

Friction to usage for VR is a challenge, and while the hardware side of the equation is steadily reducing that friction with things like seamless audio, more streamlined tracking technology, and pass-through, there’s so much that untapped potential on the software side of the equation. Rethinking the user experience from before users even put on their headset—and how games should be architected around that—is a key area with huge untapped potential to reduce friction for VR.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
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    Ben has a lot of opinions, and some of them are good and some are torn apart by Anton. I can definitely say that I agree with this and I hope some more games like multiplayer games add things that reduce friction like letting dead players play cards or whatever. Games should also not default to fullscreen because that makes it harder to do something like check something on a browser really quick or see benchmarks. But the idea of games saying “ready to play” on the screen and you put on the headset already inside the loaded game is a good idea.

  • Alextended

    Games can use intros and logos and stuff as loading points rather than force you for no reason. It does seem excessive in some but it’s literally no different to non VR games, or is it more fun to wait around and do nothing while looking at your TV instead of through a headset? Plus, I tend to just put my headset on and then launch a game myself. There’s no universal solution for everything and not every game has to have the “put you right in the thick of the action ASAP” mindset at its core otherwise we’d just get arcade stuff like Beat Saber and Pistol Whip (which I love, Pistol Whip could definitely do without the very first “shoot” screen that then gets you in the menu/level select etc. part though) and not awesome adventures like Half-Life: Alyx and Saints & Sinners and Lone Echo (which I also love) that both take more resources to load up and start and have a lot of what can be considered “down time” to immerse you in the game in a different way to nonstop action.

    • benz145

      Now, that’s not to say that every VR game needs to be, or even can be, like Beat Saber; it’s a lightweight arcade game that doesn’t need to load complex levels like Robo Recall. But the point is not that loading times need to be lower. The point is that many games could massively reduce the feeling of friction by being structured in a way that the initial ‘administrative’ tasks and loading happens before the player ever puts on their headset.

    • Engineer_92

      Wow, its almost like you didn’t read the article..

  • I agree in part. What you say is all correct, but there is the problem of how to organize it. Imagine the Quest. If every time I want to play I have to turn on the Quest, then take out my phone, open the Oculus app, find the game I want to play, launch it, then wait one minute, and then put on the headset… this is not exactly frictionless. Furthermore in that minute I can’t do that much. On PC what you say is easier, because you can launch the VR game, and it can trigger a waiting screen on the display until you are ready to don your headset.

    • Marcus

      On the other side, it could be really helpful if I could navigate through the menus using a tablet before or while a guest is using the Quest. Having to describe where to click / what to do to get it running can be cumbersome.

      • Possible solution: A small touchscreen on the front of the HMD for navigating menus.

        • Moe Curley

          Not a bad idea but a phone controller would be the way to go

    • silvaring

      It might not be frictionless, but it would be a hell of a lot better than what we have currently (launching from a home environment after having to install unnecessary updates etc).

  • Adrian Meredith

    One of the big reasons I use my quest more compared to my rift or pimax is because it’s easy to put on and play

  • JB1968

    That’s what Sony is trying to achieve with PS5 hardware and their blazingly fast up to 20GB/sec(with copression) SSD. There should be no loading times at all and the SSD is basically able to stream all the geometry data, textures etc. player is looking at in the headset in realtime. Looking forward to see how their design will work.

    • Zerofool

      The PS5 SSD specs are 5-5.5 GB/s raw (incompressible data), up to 9 GB/s compressed data.

      • JB1968

        You are right, sorry for my wrong numbers. My memory is weak.

    • kontis

      That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works.
      These speeds are not that far from what’s already possible on PC.

      Check out benchmarks of various speeds vs loading times. The scaling is not as magical as that BS Sony’s marketing.

      It’s great what sony is doing but those claims about 1s loading times are misleading and depend greatly on the type of video game. There are things in game code during loads that are not bandwidth related.

      • JB1968

        Well the fastest ssds on pc are around 4GB/s and they are using generic interfaces while the PS5 hw is custom build around to get best ssd performance for games. I suggest you to watch 1 hour long Mark Cerny’s dev talk about this on youtube. And I bet all the major game engines will be competing to support all this new stuff asap to get devs on their side.
        But I don’t want to argue with you. Let’s hopefully see in the near future.

        • silvaring

          It was a great talk. Cerny is such an incredible dude.

  • ale bro

    try using a pimax and you’ll see the true meaning of friction

  • Greyl

    The Rift S is probably the best native PC VR headset for lowest friction, when it comes to setup and portability. The inside-out tracking seems to be really good nowadays as well. It’s just a shame Facebook aren’t lowering the price to $350, to make it a more compelling buy over the Quest, and aren’t bringing finger tracking to it.

    • MeowMix

      I’m still not discounting Finger Tracking on the Rift S yet.
      It does make sense from Oculus’ statement, that they started HT on Quest as an experiment, it’s still an early BETA feature, and they’ll look at bringing it to other platforms once the HT matures.

      We saw a similar feature (Passthrough+) start on the Rift S, get some tweaks, then it was ported over to Quest.

      I do think the HT will be a successful feature, so it should eventually make it’s way to Rift S.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      I don’t see how much higher friction my Vive Pro has compared to the Rift S. It’s not like I have to setup my lighthouse every single time I want to play.

      • Greyl

        It becomes an issue when you have more than one gaming PC setup in your house. The Rift S is nice and portable between both systems compared to Vive/Rift/Index, etc.

        • mirak

          Yes unless you buy extra base stations.
          It wouldn’t be an issue if they costed like 50€ though.

          • Greyl

            Right, and you need to set up those base stations, per room, which is the main problem with outside-in VR. With the Rift S, you can simply take it from room to room, with minimal set up, each time.

          • mirak

            Your use case doesn’t makes sense to me, as you must have a best room to stick to.
            But if the Rift S tracking suits you, and helps you play more VR then it’s great.

          • Greyl

            Its great for anyone who doesn’t want to confine VR to only one room, and has more than one gaming PC, per household. Inside out tracking is also great for people who are tired of having issues with their Vive/Rift sensors, or tired of having to make room arrangements just for the sensors.

  • Nothing to see here

    It should work like this:
    Select the VR game or app you want to run via the desktop UI as usual.
    Wait for an on screen indicator that everything is ready.
    Put on your VR headset and play the game immediately.
    Take off your VR headset and the game pauses until you either put it on again or close the VR ready box.

    Seriously, how hard is that to code?

    • Andrew Jakobs

      and how does one detect if the headset if off? There’s no way with the vive headsets not the rift headsets to detect if the headset is off. So yeah, it’s very hard to code something there isn’t a detection for…..

      • mirak

        What are you talking about ?
        Vive detects when it’s off, and saves oled screen but shutting it off after a specified period of time.
        Rift too.

        • Andrew Jakobs

          No it doesn’t, I never have seen my vive turn off when I don’t wear it, unless I really turn it off.

          • mirak

            Yes it does, that’s why there is a proximity sensor between the eyes.
            Not our problem if you messed up the settings.

          • mirak

            Care to admit you are utterly wrong xD

      • silvaring

        If the controllers and headset are not moving for 30 seconds the unit is probably off? I mean it doesn’t sound like that hard of a problem.

  • kontis

    Friction is something FB understands extremely well. After all it’s how they purposefully crippled the “sideloading” in Quest to make it as unattractive as possible, while pretending to have an “open” device.

    • NooYawker

      There are actually people who believe oculus is open?

  • Andrew Jakobs

    Hmmm.. how is it fair to compare completely different type of games in regard to ‘friction’. With beatsaber and roborecall it’s like comparing Notepad to Word.. If the game doesn’t require much resources it’s no comparison in starting compared to one that has a lot of resources..

    • benz145

      Now, that’s not to say that every VR game needs to be, or even can be, like Beat Saber; it’s a lightweight arcade game that doesn’t need to load complex levels like Robo Recall. But the point is not that loading times need to be lower. The point is that many games could massively reduce the feeling of friction by being structured in a way that the initial ‘administrative’ tasks and loading happens before the player ever puts on their headset.

      • Andrew Jakobs

        But I don’t know how you work, but I start most games from within Valve Home, so how would it be possible to even load before I put on my headset? I guess some people do start their VR games from shortcut on the desktop, but I don’t think most of the people do. (that’s in relation to your commen on ‘loading happens before the player ever puts on their headset’)
        But looking at your video I just see a difference in loading, and it’s clear beatsabre is very lightweight compared to Robo recall, there really isn’t a comparison. The only thing I do thing robo recall needs, is having a loading image sooner, it has way too long black screen before the actual first loadingscreen is visible. But again, this is all due robo recall using a much heavier engine then beatsabre is using.

        • dialmove

          I usually start VR games from the Steam classic window interface.
          I’ve sometimes even tried to click with the mouse on the VR menu items inside the Steam VR preview window, almost unconsciously. It didn’t work, but would have been great if it did.

        • benz145

          I usually launch my games via desktop before putting on the headset. Pretty much every platform supports this.

          The problem is that games are structured in a way that once you put on the headset there’s still maybe 60 seconds or more of waiting/selecting to do before you’re actually playing.

          The thrust of my argument that games could be structured in a way that the bulk of the initial selecting/loading could happen outside of the headset (ie: in a window on your desktop), so that the moment you put on the headset you’re ready to start doing something interesting.

          Even in the case of Beat Saber, which took about 20 seconds to get to a song, the friction would feel less and the experience would be better if the song was ready to start the moment I put on the headset (if I had been able to load the game and select the song before putting on the headset).

          • Andrew Jakobs

            But what you want just doesn’t make sense, ofcourse everybody wants instant startup, but that’s just not gonna happen for a while for regular users (yeah people with a lot of money that can buy the fastest SSD or a having TB of regular mem can do instant ‘startup’ with the right software (it just puts the game into ‘hybernation’ if you switch applications).
            But at this time, no matter what you do you still have a ‘loading’ screen, if it’s on the desktop or in your headset.
            I really don’t get it, in your case I would say, just wait with putting on the headset until the game is loaded fully… But since I ALWAYS start my games from Home so from within my headset, there just isn’t a way what you want.
            I really don’t see the difference with having to sit waiting behind my regular monitor for the game to start or when I have my headset on, in both cases I have to wait..
            But I agree that there are a lot of games that could do with loading straight into the menu instead of first some intro (I understand if it’s started for the first time, but make it an option for the second time (like ‘start new game’)).
            For instance with Alice VR it always first loads the intro screen before actually loading the menu, and since most intro’s require pretty much resources it takes a lot to load.
            So in that regard I agree with you, but not in regard to the way the game is started.. You just start games differently as other persons, and a lot of people will start VR games the way you do, but also a lot of people will start VR games through portals like Valve’s Home with their headset already on.

          • benz145

            Your response makes me feel like you didn’t read or maybe didn’t understand what I said. Maybe that’s my fault, I’m not sure. I’ll try one more time though.

            My point is about the initial moment of going from outside of the headset to inside of the headset. If you make this moment seamless, you encourage people to do it more often. If you make this moment frictional, you discourage people from doing it. Just like if I click to wake my phone from sleep, if it takes 1 second for the screen to turn on so I can check notifications, I’ll do far more often than if it took 15 seconds.

            Loading time is irrelevant, and I will use an extreme example to demonstrate the point.

            A VR app could take 10 hours for its initial load… so do not make me wait those 10 hours inside the headset. Build the app such that the 10 hours can elapse without me in the headset, so that I can use that time to do anything else. Then, when the app is ready, notify me via my phone or PC that it’s ready for me to play.

            This is not how it works today for most VR games. While initializing the app happens at launch, many games are structured in a way that much of their loading cannot happen without user input from inside of the headset. This is not technically necessary, and it’s similarly destructive to if you required the user to put on the headset to start an app installation.

            The goal is to make the initial moment of putting on the headset seamless, so that users are more inclined to do it. One way to do this, as I’ve argued, is to build apps to eliminate an initial period of ‘standing around in VR not really doing anything while I make selections and let the game load’ and going straight to ‘using the headset for the fun thing I want to do’.

          • Andrew Jakobs

            But you’re coming from only the point where you start everything from the desktop without your headset on, so that’s a complete different approach as starting stuff from within VR. You want a hybrid approach where you use the desktop to start the game and even the ‘intro’ menu to start the level. To me that’s certainly not the normal way of using VR (well, at least my interpretation of what VR is like).
            So what you want only makes sense in the way you use VR with only putting on the headset when the game has completely started. That’s certainly not the way I want VR to be as I find it cumbersome to keep removing the headset if I want to switch to another game/experience.
            And comparing checking notifications on your smartphone to putting on your headset to play a game is not a good comparison as they are two completely different things.

            But I still do agree that the game should try to do the best it can to get you as soon as possible to the gameplay itself in trying to not use a useless intro (except on first start/’new game’) which needs extra loading of resources.

          • benz145

            You’re right, I am talking about a hybrid approach where a game could be loaded and ready for you the first time you put on the headset, but also allow you to boot a game and control it in the same way from within the headset too.

            The point is to get people over the initial hump of deciding to put the headset on — friction won’t feel as great loading a new game when you’ve already decided to put the headset on for another reason. This is sort of like ‘I didn’t want to get off the couch to do X, but now that I’m up I may as well do X and Y while I’m at it’.

            However, if games were structured as I’m talking about, it could in fact have a similar benefit even when switching between games while already in the headset. While there’s still a lot you can’t do in the headset while you wait for loading, there’s some things you can do, and it would be nice to make your initial game selections (ie: game > level) and then be able to play around in Oculus Home or SteamVR Home (or anything else) while you wait for the game to ready itself for you.

          • Andrew Jakobs

            How many people actually do that in ‘2d’ games? most people start the game and sit and wait until the menu pops up.. I really don’t see any real difference compared to gaming on a regular monitor. But maybe it’s just me, I’m also one of those people that isn’t glued to their smartphone, and for me there really isn’t any difference between gaming on a regular monitor or a headset (in regard to how I perceive menu’s/starting etc).

          • benz145

            So you might be saying “so what, even non-VR games have menus and loading times, so how’s this different?” I’m glad you asked. The thing that makes it different is that when you’re in VR, you’re effectively wearing a blindfold to the real world. So while waiting for a non-VR game to load on my PC I can check my smartphone or go grab a drink from the kitchen, in VR I’m just standing there doing basically nothing.


            Further, if that selection and loading time was decoupled from actually wearing the headset, it could be parallelized with the other ‘VR prep’ that inevitably needs to be done, like moving things out of your playspace, drawing the blinds, closing other PC applications (if using PC VR), and checking your phone for important notifications before diving in for a long session. In that way, friction is reduced yet further.

  • Tailgun

    All of this is distressingly true. And it’s even worse for my Index, knowing that it will require an interminable amount of time and (usually) frustration to get SteamVR up and running, updated, configured, and then wait for even more load times and the usual amount of crashes and glitches involving either the Steam software or compatibility issues with any given title.

    It’s why lately, despite having spent thousands of dollars on VR games and hardware, I am playing my PS4 more and more again. It’s dispiriting how buggy this whole field still is.

  • impurekind

    Or how about just designing VR games so loading the initial menus and stuff is basically immediate as it should be. I mean they’re only frikin’ menus for God’s sake; there’s like gigs of RAM on most machines to almost instantly load more than enough data that anything but badly designed menus and options and the likes should be up and running in a couple of seconds if done right, and quicker if done very intelligently so as to stagger loading in a way that each screen or whatever hides the loading for the next one. And then loading the other parts of the game as intelligently as possible so as to avoid and/or reduce loading times as much as possible.

    • mirak

      Like what games ?
      I don’t think this games have a small detail level like Alyx, and have to remember the exact position of all I jects when you go from an area to another.

  • mirak

    Real friction is the time needed to dust of the headset after pulling it out of a box, moving that sofa, this table, this chair, setting up the tripods, defining play space

    Loading time is really irrelevant compared to that.

    Also please stop promoting Oculus exclusives.

  • Timothy Bank

    I think that we all need to be patient. The industry is working out things like this probably as we speak. I remember the early days of multi-media where we had to wait for our 2x CD ROMs to spin up and we would joke about going to get a cup of coffee while we waited. There are lots of ways the “friction” can be lessened or even removed such as playing 3D audio even in a black screen to set the mood while loading or deep linking into applications to bypass initial menus and get you right back into the action.
    I am excited to see what developers come up with and how they try to crack this nut. It will be fun to look back and say “remember when we had to wait for games to load!”

    • Immersive Computing

      setup friction? I clearly remember the 8-bit home computing era – ZX Spectrum in my case.

      we’d load programs from audio cassette which would take around 5 minutes of coloured loading patterns on the TV screen and those wonderful screeching loading noises.

      Often an error during loading meant starting again….once the 16-bit Commodore Amiga arrived with disc drive it hugely reduced the loading time, but also removed those 5 minutes which had been very useful to make a cup of tea or visit the bathroom!

      • brandon9271

        Same with VIC20 and Commodore 64.. OMG! The wait! lol

        • Immersive Computing

          We had VIC20 at my first school, my buddy had Commodore 64 at home whilst I had ZX Spectrum. Those wonderful loading scene noises are firmly embedded in my mind!

          Later, we also had BBC model B at school and IBM clone PC’s in network where we played an early network multiplayer maze game driving a tank.

  • Pierre-Luc Denis

    That friction is one of the reason why my brother doesn’t like VR. For him, getting ingame seems long and complicated.

  • Moe Curley

    It’s funny at 1:25 when Robo Recall says “GET READY!”. What the #$&@ do you think I’ve been doing for the last couple of minutes!?

  • Ryan McClelland

    Totally agree. I cant believe Valve got this soo wrong with Alyx. I just want to put the headset on and be in my most recent save game. I know things have to load, but it seems like they could do something.

  • JesuSaveSouls

    I think of when you download asphalt 8.Now you can play quickly on a track while the full entirety of the game takes time to download.

  • Dan Lokemoen

    Yeah, why is my game telling me when to put my headset on, instead of me telling it that I’m ready? Oh, you just got your headset on, well congratulations, we centered it three seconds ago when it was sideways.

  • Definitely feels like something that affects what people will play. At least it does for me. I’ve played through Asgarth’s Wrath for around 3-4 hours and while it’s great game whenever I’m thinking of playing again, the long load-times are putting me off.

  • DonMac

    Some interesting points.
    Some of what we see in terms of friction is just poor interface design, although it is somewhat unkind to call it ‘poor’ in such early days.
    IMHO splash screens are relics of 2D games and often exercises in branding that benefit the publisher not the user.
    Other pre play ‘issues’ include games that
    1) Do not give you any hand presence until the ‘main menu’ loads
    2) Put you in a black or very dark environment with no horizon or point of reference
    3) Do not give you a loading indicator or estimated load time.
    4) Use a 3D interactive scene as a menu, when a traditional flat menu is more efficient.

    Although I am not partisan, some of these friction issues may be eased by the Oculus Destinations + Deep Linking API that “Destinations allow developers to define different places in their app, ranging from a game mode to a specific lobby or level” [oculus developer blog]
    It’s also worth remembering that many 2D HCI design principle such as Fitts Law continue to be relevant in VR.

  • This has been made fully possible with Oculus Deep Linking: – and yes, 100% agree. Makes me want to kill myself every time I try a social VR app and it makes me sign up / sign in inside VR. Or head back into the app for a specific in-app event, and having to navigate through menus etc.

    The way Oculus pitched it was that it will enable you to basically use Messenger as a multiplayer lobby, create an mp session and launch directly into it before putting on the headset. Every VR session should be that smooth.

    • benz145

      I’ve yet to see an app fully embrace this, but I’m hoping it really makes a difference, especially for the social end of things. Seems Beat Saber and Facebook Horizons could be the first to build these features in deeply.

  • Dan Lokemoen

    Turn off my PC. Disconnect my second monitor. Connect my HMD. Boot my PC. . . Start my game. Wait for my HMD software to start up. Wait for Steam to start up. Take off my glasses and find a place to put them. Move my office chair away from my desk so I have room to move my arms. Put on my HMD. Grab my controllers. Turn on my controllers. Wait for game to start. Wonder why game isn’t starting. Try to read pop-up telling me why game isn’t starting now that I have moved my chair and taken off my glasses. Try to click on pop-up while my HMD has disabled desktop controls. Try to remember to change the settings to disallow my HMD to disable my desktop controls. Squint at the instructions to re-enable my desktop controls. Re-enable my desktop controls. Shut down game. Turn off controllers. Take off HMD. Shut down Steam VR. Shut down HMD software. Put on glasses. Move chair back to desk. Read pop-up. Open Mod Organizer 2. Find SKSE log that says that everything started fine. Open Firefox. Search for fix for when SKSE says everything is fine. Read rambling “fixes” for when SKSE says everything is fine. End up on Nexus. Find fix for when SKSE says everything is fine. Check out new mods. Download new mods. Run LOOT. Close LOOT. Run TESVREdit in auto-clean mode. Clean new mods. Run TESVREdit in normal mode and manually bash new mods. Run LOOT. Set new mod order. Apply new mod order. Exit LOOT. Correct new mod order in Mod Organizer 2. Run FNIS. Create new mod from Overwrite. Run TexGen. Zip TexGen output into mod. Install mod in Mod Organizer 2. Run DyndoLOD. Zip DyndoLOD output into mod. Install mod in Mod Organizer 2. Run game. Take off glasses. Move chair away from desk. Put on HMD. Pick up controllers. Turn on controllers. Think about loading old save or starting a new game because of new mods. Start new game. Dun dun DAAH dun dun DAAH!

    • MadMax1998

      You need to turn on your controllers?

      Meanwhile on Quest: turn on HMD. Put on HMD (glasses remain on). Grab controllers (controller are on automatically). Confirm Guardian. Select game. Wait for game to load. Play!

      PCVR however… boot PC. Launch Steam. Wait for games to update. Ignore “Steam needs to restart after update” warning. Grab Oculus Link cable, lead through headset straps and plug into HMD. Turn on HMD. Put on HMD (glasses remain on). Grab controllers (controller are on automatically). Confirm Guardian. Open Passthrough+. Connect Link cable to USB extender. Wait for HMD to detect the PC. Unplug and replug Link cable. Wait for HMD to detect the PC. Confirm you want to use Link. Wait for Oculus software to start. Re-open Link after crash. Open virtual desktop in Oculus Home. Select game in Steam client. Ignore “this game doesn’t support your headset” warning. Wait for game to load. Play!