Beat Saber (2018), the popular block-slashing rhythm game, has undoubtedly been a standout success for VR. Now a Wall Street Journal report alleges the game has generated over a quarter billion dollars.

Citing documents viewed by the Wall Street Journal, Meta has allegedly generated over $255 million as of October 2022.

While not stated explicitly in the report, this ostensibly includes base game unit sales and DLC sales across all supported platforms, which includes Quest, Quest 2, the original PSVR, and SteamVR headsets.

Acquired by Meta in 2019, developers Beat Games have released a wide swath of paid and free DLC, something it can owe to Meta’s deep pockets which has allowed it to cut deals with a number of record labels and high-profile artists.

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Some of Beat Saber’s DLC include music packs by Skrillex, Billy EilishBTSGreen DayTimbalandLinkin Park, and Imagine Dragons, and labels such as Interscope, which feature tracks from Kendrick Lamar, OneRepublic, Limp Bizkit, and Maroon 5.

The Journal maintains the documents included another staggering figure: Beat Saber was played by 1.47 million active devices per month, making it one of the 14 Quest games to gross over $20 million out of the 500 available on the store.

Notably, Beat Saber has yet to make the leap to Sony’s recently released PSVR 2 headset, making it a fairly important holdout to do so.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • XRC

    Not surprised by any of this, it’s a classic VR title

    Got early access around November 2018 (PCVR) still playing this morning now in 2023

    It’s just huge fun to play, especially when you get your flow on ⚔️

  • Pab

    I´m amazed that this bussyness model works.

  • MarcDwonn

    Hmm, i haven’t found a good deal yet, so i haven’t bought it. Would like to play it, but i’m not willing to pay more than 10€ for a game which is not story based.

  • Jeremiah Tothenations

    This is the only VR game I play now, it’s an awesome workout (really toned now in the arms and shoulders) and obviously very fun to boot.

    But I hate the selection of dlc songs, just awful choices imho. Which is why I play exclusively with custom songs now.

    Release decent songs that suit the game and I’ll be quick to buy them.

    I hope they release a sequel soon and that it’s not exclusive to the Quest 3. I’d also like to see them incorporate our feet into the action somehow, as a fully body workout would be desirable.

    It might make it a lot harder though, defo make it optional, like the one saber or 360 modes etc, does anyone actually play the latter?