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It’s time for the day two recap as our pals, Ben Lang and Paul James, get their hands on even more VR stuff today as they fight their way to the front of the lines at CES 2015. Let’s listen to what fun things they got to experience today.

Starting off today they had a chance to play around with a few HMDs at the Vuzix booth. Vuzix is using the term “Oculus knock-off”, but their major focus is more towards the industrial sector.

Up next was the Virtuix Omni. The production model was there and ready to be tested. Ben grabbed the shoes and gun and took it for a few spins. He reports that the new system seems smooth and ready to go. The ease of adjustment appeared to be very easy and user-friendly.

It just isn’t a VR party with out our good friend, Cymatic Bruce, making an appearance. Ben and Paul had a chance to chat with a very well-dressed Bruce, who was showing off AltSpace within the Intel booth. There seems to be some great things brewing at AltSpace lately, and Intel’s new integrated HD graphics chipset appears to be handling VR much better than previous iterations.

Ben and Paul were both very impressed with what they saw at the LEAP Motion booth. Lots of development with their latest technology, and it sounds like they are getting closer to finding a solution for the occlusion problem that haunts most camera-based input devices.

3DHead? That is on the agenda tomorrow along with CastAR, Jaunt and a few other exciting VR companies.

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Stay tuned as we continue our CES 2015 recaps!

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