I’ve finally settled into my new home and ready to pump out new content. In this episode, I share my zany journey from Cincinnati to Seattle, announce my new employer, and bring you up to speed on my status.

Rev VR Podcast – Episode 107

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Aside from the logistics of loading up my wife and kids into the family truckster and driving 2400 miles to our new home, the adventure of starting a new job and settling into a new community has been a whirlwind of excitement. In the short amount of time that I have been here in Seattle, I have discovered that this city truly embraces Virtual Reality and everything it has to offer.

My new employer, Studio 216, is an architectural visualization firm, located in downtown Seattle. I will be launching them into a technological whirlwind by utilizing VR to help their clients literally step into their building designs. The combination of their ambition to innovate, and my dev skills, will lead the march to bring architecture and real estate into the VR space. I am truly excited to be part of their team.

As I said in my last podcast, Studio 216 is encouraging me to continue to evangelize and socialize with the VR community. I will be attending meetups, mixers, conventions, and expos, to keep my finger on the pulse of the VR industry.

Interviews are lining up, and more great episodes of the Rev VR Podcast are on the way. Stay tuned!

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