I was finally able to record this podcast episode without getting enraged at the topic. Lines are being drawn in the sand with talks of “Rift vs. Vive”, and I wanted to address this rationally and give my thoughts.

Rev VR Podcast : Episode 117

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When I originally recorded this episode a few weeks ago, I had just spent a few hours reading the /r/oculus subreddit and trying to figure out what happened to our nice little community. I recorded an angry podcast that I don’t think anyone would have appreciated, and decided to not release it. The schism that separated Rift and Vive fans seemed to prevent any level of productive or helpful conversations from occurring. On top of that, the “Launch” and shipping debacles with both products only further fanned the flames on both sides. Today, with a calm and centered voice, I have recorded this episode again.

The purpose of this podcast is to express my own personal opinion on how we should move forward as a community. Just as I did when Facebook announced their acquisition of Oculus, I try to look at it all objectively, and share a levelheaded approach to the situation.

Some folks may disagree with me, and I encourage you to provide feedback. In my opinion, healthy conversation is much better than fanboy rants.

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