Rev VR Podcast (Ep. 80): VR Game Design Discussion with Lunar Flight and ZVR Apocalypse Developer, Sean Edwards

Rev VR Podcast (Ep. 80): VR Game Design Discussion with Lunar Flight and ZVR Apocalypse Developer, Sean Edwards


In this episode of the Rev VR Podcast, I invite VR game developer, Sean Edwards to discuss game design, and the outcome of his Kickstarter for ZVR Apocalypse.

Sean is best known for his game, Lunar Flight, which I mistakenly referred to as Lunar Lander during our conversation. Apparently, folks do that all of the time. He gives us the history behind the game and how he got started in VR game development. He also explains the problems caused by the Oculus SDK that prevents him from releasing a DK2 compatible version of Lunar Flight.

We then dig into ZVR Apocalypse, his latest game, which ran on Kickstarter recently and unfortunately failed. Sean addresses several of the comments and criticisms he received in regards to the gameplay and motif, and discusses his future plans for the title.

VR input devices come up during our conversation, and we both give our two cents on the matter. Are full body suits going to make sense, or will handheld controllers like STEM rule the future of VR input?

I’d like to thank Sean for being such a wonderful guest, and wish him the best in his future endeavors.

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