Everything We Know About Google Glass

Google Glass could be the first product to take augmented reality into the mainstream. The forthcoming minimal head mounted display promises to make our interaction with technology more seamless and natural. There are many who will welcome it. There...

Oculus Rift support for Crysis added by Community Modder [Video]

Oculus Rift developer and community VR enthusiast Nathan Andrews has managed to port his Half Life 2 Oculus Rift for Crysis and has released a video showing how this classic PC shooter might work in tandem with the Rift. One of...

John Carmack Talks Virtual Reality Latency Mitigation Strategies

John Carmack, the famed developer who helped put the Oculus Rift on the map, has been doing plenty of virtual reality research as of late. Carmack is particularly interested in latency. Specifically, he's interested in reducing latency to a...

The Verge Goes Hands-on With Google Glass [video]

Google Glass is an exciting wearable computing project that the company hopes will be ready for consumers by the end of 2013. The Verge's Joshua Topolsky recently got to demo Google Glass for himself -- something that only a...

Oculus to Give Virtual Reality Talk at GDC Next Month

The Oculus Rift is expected to be delivered to developers next month (and is already in the hands of a select few). This coincides nicely with the ever popular Game Developers Conference (GDC) where we expect to hear much about virtual...
google glass styles sunglasses

New Google Glass Pictures Reveal Hidden Sensor [gallery]

Along with the new video that we pointed out earlier, the company has released some cool new Google Glass pictures. One of the photos shows something we haven't seen before; on the inside of the eye-boom there is a...

New Google Glass Video Shows What It Feels Like to Wear [video]

You'll probably have noticed that Road to VR is rather excited for Google's fledgling Augmented Reality project, codename 'Google Glass'. It's a project shrouded in mystery and it's secrets tightly guarded, as evidenced by the strict NDAs required by...

Studying the Consequences of Avatar Embodiment at Stanford’s State-of-the-art Virtual Reality Lab

Stanford uses their virtual reality lab to study the consequences of avatar embodiment. A ten minute presentation by the lab's director, Jeremy Bailenson, reveals some enthralling findings showing that how we see ourselves in virtual reality can measurably impact our actions in real...
mojang minecraft notch oculus rift virtual reality

Oculus Rift Developer Kit Arrives at Minecraft Headquarters, Notch Apologizes for Breaking Embargo

Mojang, the company that developed everyone's favorite indie game success story, Minecraft (2011), might be the first in the world to have received the Oculus Rift developer kit. Two weeks back, Oculus Inc. shared the latest on their manufacturing progress....

Peter Kafka from AllThingsD tries the Oculus Rift, “I’m a little queasy, but it’s awesome” [Video]

At the 'D: Dive Into Media' conference on Tuesday, Brendan Iribe joined Peter Kafta from AllthingsD to give him a chance to try the Oculus Rift HMD. His reaction to the experience, mirrored those of many before him --...