Sulon GVX: An Ambitious Self-contained AR/VR HMD Console with 160 Degree Field of View

Sulon Technologies is working on an ambitious Android-based HMD console for virtual reality and augmented reality gaming. The company is creating a platform capable of generating dynamic game environments based on the player's physical environment. The video above is of...

CastAR’s Jeri Ellsworth and Rick Johnson Talk to Road to VR (interview)

New recruit Jonathan Tustain talks to Jeri Ellsworth and Rick Johnson about castAR, Valve, Oculus and the Kickstarter roller coaster. ChatAR Despite a lack of faith from former employers Valve, Jeri Ellsworth and Rick Johnson recently celebrated raising over a million...

Reminder: Virtuix Omni VR Treadmill Airs on Shark Tank Investment Reality Show Tonight at 9PM EST

A friendly reminder for those with cable TV: tonight the Virtuix Omni omnidirectional treadmill for VR gaming will be on Shark Tank, a venture capital reality show. The Shark Tank Virtuix Omni episode airs tonight, December 6th, at 9PM EST...

Free Vireio Perception v2.0 Oculus Rift Driver Launches with VR Boost Add-On

A few days ago Neil Schneider, founder of MTBS3D, announced the long delayed launch of Vireio Perception 2.0, an open source 3D / VR Injection driver for VR HMDs. The Community 3D Driver Vireio Perception, a 3D Injection driver designed to...

Virtuix Omni Cyber Monday Sale—Save $70 on the Omnidirectional VR Treadmill

Today is the last day to get in on the Virtuix Omni cyber weekend sale. Through 11:59PM PST tonight you can save $70 on a Virtuix Omni pre-order. The Virtuix Omni is an omnidirectional VR treadmill—a passive unit with no...

The Steam Autumn Sale Virtual Reality Special – Get Your VR Cheap

The Steam Autumn Sale is upon us and our poor wallets, so we've weeded out all the Oculus Rift compatible games on sale right now. Oculus Thrift For those on a budget (generally that means most of us), the Steam Sale...

Virtuix Omni Heading to Shark Tank Investment Reality Show Next Friday

Virtuix Omni, the forthcoming VR omnidirectional treadmill, will be making an appearance on ABC's popular venture capital reality show, Shark Tank. For those who haven't seen the show, Shark Tank puts entrepreneurs in front of a panel of wealthy investors in...

Sixense STEM Update: Pre-orders, Black Friday Sale, Mechanical Prototype, New Color Scheme

Time for a quick check up on the world on STEM, the next-generation VR motion controller from Sixense. The company is running a Black Friday / holiday sale and recently showed their first mechanical prototype along with the system's...

New Google Glass Development Kit Brings Rich Apps and Augmented Reality

Last week Google revealed an expanded Glass Development Kit (GDK) which opens the doors for rich apps (including augmented reality) on the company's smartglasses prototype. At a developer event last week, Google Glass Developer Advocate Timothy Jordan presented the new...

InfinitEye 210 Degree HMD Technical Q&A: How does High FOV Virtual Reality Work?

We put your questions to the people behind the virtual reality HMD with a 210 degree field of view. Here are team InfinitEye's answers, exclusive to Road to VR. Your Questions: Answered. You may remember, a few weeks ago I headed...