Another ST1080 User Review Hits the Web, Silicon Micro Display Opens a Forum

I spoke with Silicon Micro Display recently and they tell me that the scarcity of initial units has prevented them from getting the ST1080 out to major outlets for review just yet. That's why we've thus far only seen user-impressions of...

Leap is a Highly Accurate and Highly Affordable bit of Hand-tracking Hardware for Computer Interaction [video]

Thanks for a tip from Jeff Austin, I'm now looking at the Leap, an incredible -- and incredibly affordable -- piece of hardware that allows for extremely accurate realtime sensing of one's hands; the input from which can be used...

Must See: MIT Creates Impressive Augmented Reality Object Manipulation System [video]

I wrote a few months back that augmented reality needed to prove itself. While I still think this is the case, I'm happy to report that top minds are working on just that. Some genius folks from MIT have...

First ST1080 Unboxing and Impressions Hit the Web

I've been scanning quite regularly for the first full-blown review of Silicon Micro Display's recently launched 1080p HDM, the ST1080. Though there hasn't yet been a peep from any major publications, it seems as though customers are starting to receive their...

ST1080 HMD Production Models Get Additional 3D support and a More Modern Look

By now you've heard that the ST1080 is finally shipping out to pre-order customers. The company has posted photos of the final packaging and final design which gives the ST1080 a needed sprucing-up! Support for additional 3D formats has...

ST1080 Head Mounted Display Starts Shipping to Pre-order Customers Today

A quick note here -- it's been a long time coming, but Silicon Micro Display begins shipping the ST1080 1080p HMD to pre-order customers today! Paul Jin, SMD CEO, says that pre-order customers can expect a confirmation email and...

Google Glass Project Leader Interviewed by Charlie Rose, Wears a Glass Prototype to the Interview

Sebastian Thrun, who is one of the project leads for Google's Project Glass, sat down for an interview with Charlie Rose and chats about the augmented reality project, among other things. Thrun brought a Project Glass prototype with him...

Augmented Reality Sandbox is One of the Coolest Uses of AR I’ve Seen Thus Far [video]

Just a few weeks ago I wrote that augmented reality (AR) had yet to prove itself. It's a neat idea, and we've seen so many concepts that look great in theory but have yet to be realized, or the...

ST1080 HMD Update: Shipping Expected to Start Second Week in May, Light Blocker Detailed

Silicon Micro Display's 1080p head mounted display (HMD), the ST1080, will soon be reaching reaching pre-order customers, according to the company. Additionally, Silicon Micro Display has revealed the final design for the 'light blocker' which is designed to reduce...

Scientific Paper Details a Virtual Reality Environment Used in the Lab for Insect Experiments [video]

Think virtual reality is only for humans? Think again. Researchers are increasingly turning to virtual reality to perform tests that would otherwise be impossible by traditional means. Case in point: recently Mikko Vähäsöyrinki, a physicist at the University of Oulu...