Lumus Offers 720p LOE Head Mounted Display Development Kit

Lumus is an Israel based company that's manufactures components for head mounted displays. Specifically, they're offering what they call the 'Optical Engine Module', a display which uses 'LOE' (Light-guided Optical Element) technology to enable a lightweight head mounted display...

Returning From the Holiday Break, Content Incoming!

Hi folks. First thing -- I'd like to apologize for the lack of content coming through Road to VR in the last month. The holidays were hectic as usual, but I'm back and you can expect news and analysis...

Sony Completely Revamps U.S. HMZ-T1 HMD Product Page, Better Appreciates Demand?

Sony seems to have majorly underestimated demand for their recently released HMZ-T1 head mounted display. Stock shortages were apparently worldwide at launch, and Sony's US HMZ-T1 product page no longer lists 1/17/12 as the estimated ship date for new...

Is This the Future of Augmented Reality Gaming?

One of my favorite YouTube directors, Freddie Wong happened to make a video that is quite relevant to this site. The video is called 'Future Motion Control Gaming' and shows a fictional augmented reality gaming setup. But is this...

ST1080 and ST1080 DDK Head Mounted Display Pricing Announced

I've been tracking Silicon Micro Display's ST1080 head mounted display ever since they announced it back in early November. We've already seen most of the specs, but one thing that was missing was the price. I was excited by...

Astro Headset Accessory as Sony HMZ-T1 Stand?

About a year ago I bought myself the Astro A40 gaming headset which I've been quite happy with. I was browsing Astro's website the other day and happened across a nice looking headset stand that is sold as an...

Silicon Micro Display ST1080 HMD + Steel Battalion = Awesome

Today I was thinking about Silicon Micro Display's ST1080 head mounted display. This unique HMD has a 10% transparent screen. When I first head about that feature, typical wearable computer / augmented reality applications came to my mind. Those...

Update: Sony HMZ-T1 Hands-on Test, Crystal Clear Image With No Crosstalk!

The Sony HMZ-T1 head mounted display is still almost impossible to come by right now, but my local store has one display unit. I finally made my way down, despite some nasty rain, so that I could give the...

Contact Lens Displays One Step Closer to Reality Thanks to Recent Live Testing

If you've ever done any thinking about augmented reality seen a sci-fi movie, you're undoubtedly familiar with the idea of a contact lens that provides the wearer with a super-futuristic heads up display that shows all sorts of awesome and...

Sony HMZ-T1 HMD Still Scarce Worldwide in Sony Stores and Online, Demo Units May be Available

The other week I reported that Sony's HMZ-T1 HMD, which 'launched' on 11/11/11, had been backordered and pushed back to an estimated availability date of 1/17/12. All store stock was going to be diverted to those who had pre-ordered...