Alternatives to Sony’s HMZ-T1 Head Mounted Display

Not looking to drop $799 for Sony's HMZ-T1 head mounted display? I don't blame you. That's why this post is dedicated to exploring a few of the other mass market HMDs out there. The HMZ-T1 is definitely the highest...

Sony HMZ-T1 HMD US Launch Date Moved Back, Still Ahead of International Release (supposedly)

The HMZ-T1, Sony's upcoming 3D HD head mounted display, has been pushed back in US availability from what Sony originally stated on their US site. Though Sony's site originally showed that the HD 3D head mounted display would be...

The Road to Virtual Reality Will Not Be Walked Without Opposition

If you thought we were going to make our way toward immersive VR without naysayers, I'm here today to tell you that you're unfortunately wrong. There will always be people who are afraid of change and afraid of technology. Usually, they are hypocrites. They cry...

Battlefield 3 Virtual Reality Simulator Episode from The Gadget Show Now Available Online! [video]

As I posted the other week, The Gadget Show put together an awesome Battlefield 3 virtual reality simulator which would be featured on their show. The only video we got initially was a teaser, and unless you live in...

Battlefield 3 Played in a Virtual Reality Simulator [video]

Battlefield 3 is set to be one of the biggest games of the 2011 season thanks to its impressively life-like graphics and sound-design. I can tell you from experience, the Battlefield games have had some of the best sound...

The World’s Best Virtual Reality — Your Brain on VR, and the Exciting World of Brain-Computer Interfacing

The abilities of the brain are absolutely amazing. Even before the idea of virtual reality was conceived, the brain has provided us a way to experience things that seem entirely real but are entirely fake. I'm speaking of dreams...

Sony HMZ-T1 Photo Gallery and Full Specs. Does it look Stupid, or Awesome? I Can’t Decide.

I can't quite decide whether or not I think Sony's HMZ-T1 HMD looks really cool, or really stupid. They're certainly trying to get make it look futuristic, but the problem with "modern" design is that it is the quickest...

Sony’s HMZ-T1 Head Mounted Display Launching Early in the US?

The HMZ-T1 head mounted display from Sony is supposed to be launched, according to Sony Japan, on 11/11/11, alongside another much anticipated product. Although most marketing materials that we've seen have agree with this 11/11/11 date, it seems that...

Augmented Reality Will Soon Be Convincingly Modifying Your World

Augmented reality is, at the moment, the novel concept of being able to superimpose something virtual onto your existing world. We've seen some neat, but ultimately useless, informational overlay applications from augmented reality, but nothing quite useful yet. Many of the...

Why Isn’t Nintendo Harnessing the Virtual Reality Capabilities of the Wii?!

Why Nintendo hasn't embraced this is completely beyond me. Johnny Chung Lee, a human-computer interaction researcher, developed an ingenious head tracking system that works with the Wii -- a system which has an install base of more than 80...