Sony HMZ-T1 Photo Gallery and Full Specs. Does it look Stupid, or Awesome? I Can’t Decide.

I can't quite decide whether or not I think Sony's HMZ-T1 HMD looks really cool, or really stupid. They're certainly trying to get make it look futuristic, but the problem with "modern" design is that it is the quickest...

Sony’s HMZ-T1 Head Mounted Display Launching Early in the US?

The HMZ-T1 head mounted display from Sony is supposed to be launched, according to Sony Japan, on 11/11/11, alongside another much anticipated product. Although most marketing materials that we've seen have agree with this 11/11/11 date, it seems that...

Augmented Reality Will Soon Be Convincingly Modifying Your World

Augmented reality is, at the moment, the novel concept of being able to superimpose something virtual onto your existing world. We've seen some neat, but ultimately useless, informational overlay applications from augmented reality, but nothing quite useful yet. Many of the...

Why Isn’t Nintendo Harnessing the Virtual Reality Capabilities of the Wii?!

Why Nintendo hasn't embraced this is completely beyond me. Johnny Chung Lee, a human-computer interaction researcher, developed an ingenious head tracking system that works with the Wii -- a system which has an install base of more than 80...

Make Your Own Head Mounted Display With an Android Phone

Don't have $799 to drop on Sony's upcoming HMZ-T1 head mounted display? Back in 2009 made this video showing how you can make a cheap DIY display out of nothing but plastic goggles, cardboard, and an Android phone: Recombu...

Sony’s HMZ-T1 Head Mounted Display Launches 11/11/11, VR Gaming Integration Down the Road?

Sony is launching a head mounted display (HMD) come 11/11, and it's likely to be one of the highest quality and most consumer-available HMDs to date. The HMD, for which Sony is already taking pre-orders, will go on retail for...

Omni-directional Treadmills Could Allow You to Roam Virtual Environments

An omni-directional treadmill is just like your traditional gym treadmill, except instead of only being able to go forward, you can move in any direction. There are a number of ways to achieve such omni-directional locomotion, but the resulting...

Quantum 3D Helps Train Solders with VR [videos]

Quantum 3D says that "infantry training simulation is here today", and they've got a video showing how they use virtual reality to help soldiers train for the battlefield. Tell me parts of this don't play like a video game...

Following the Road to Virtual Reality

Today begins my journey cataloging the Road to Virtual Reality. I actually started a very similar blog 2 or 3 years ago, but it quickly faded away because we were still far from anything that could be considered mainstream...