road to vr logoHey there VR fans. A bit of meta news today — the Road to VR Facebook page just ticked up to four digits, we’ve officially got 1000 ‘likes.’ To celebrate, we’ve got some VR swag for you.

Independent blogging is tough work, but it’s made a bit easier when you are passionate about your topic. My colleague Paul and I have been pouring our personal time and resources into Road to VR — we think virtual reality is a topic well worth writing about. And while 1000 likes on Facebook might not mean too much to a passerby, each like feels as a personal thumbs up from someone that appreciates what we do.

So we want to say thank you for supporting us — when you help spread the word, it really benefits us! And of course, thanks to Palmer Luckey, Oculus, and other folks who are making all the great stuff and doing all of the important research that we get to write about!

If you are a new member of our site who wants to stay up to date through social channels, you can find us on Facebook and Twitter.

Now, before I bore you to tears… there’s something for you!

Get Some VR Swag


We’ve still got some VR paraphernalia from GDC 2013, courtesy of the good folks at Oculus, and we’d like to pass it on to you.

Here’s how to get some:

  1. If you haven’t already, give us a Like on our Facebook page! (not actually a requirement for getting some swag, but really, it helps us out!)
  2. Leave a comment below linking to your favorite Road to VR article. Please tell us what you like about it!
Meta Acquired 9 Leading VR Studios Starting in 2019: Here’s What's Happened Since

We wish we had some for everyone, but this will be first-come-first serve. We’ll contact you at the email address with which you registered to comment so keep your eyes peeled!

And to take us on a little trip down memory lane, here’s our 5 most popular articles:

  1. Exclusive: Sneak Peek and Interview — Wicked Paradise, The World’s First Erotic VR Game (video: NSFW)
  2. GDC 2013: Michael Abrash on “Why VR is Hard (and where it might be going)”
  3. Virtuix Omni VR Treadmill Kickstarter is Live, Early Bird Prices Start at $249
  4. Guide: Build Your Own Oculus Rift VR Headset
  5. VorpX Driver Preview: Skyrim, Fallout 3, BioShock, and More with the Oculus Rift — Unlock the VR in Your Games Library (videos)
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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."