‘Ghosts of Tabor’ Studio Unveils Fresh Look at Next Co-op Shooter ‘Silent North’


Ghosts of Tabor studio Combat Waffle today showed off a closer look at Silent North, the studio’s next VR shooter published in partnership with Beyond Frames Entertainment.

Silent North takes multiplayer action to the Swiss Alps, where players will bundle up and hunker down to survive as long as they can in a world overrun by zombies, Combat Waffle says.

“Players can team up or go it solo while scavenging for gear and defending against a never-ending supply of hungry corpses.”

Silent North is slated to bring its mix of PVE and PVP action on the Horizon Store for Quest 2/3/Pro in early access and on Steam Early Access sometime next year.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Zombies. How original.

    • ViRGiN

      You wouldn't be complaining if you got invited to irl Tabor events.

  • kakek

    Wow. This looks like shit.

  • Gonzax

    So basically an endless horde mode with ps1 graphics… pretty much the kind of stuff I never even bother to try out.
    Good for those who like to shoot at stuff over and over and over…

    • NL_VR

      the goal is to be like DayZ if you played that.
      Not beeing able to build your own base but you will be able to fortify buildings that are on the map. that at least i heard the last time devs spoke about it.

  • gothicvillas

    Whoa… please stop. Full stop. Back to drawing board, guys. One more trailer like this and swear to God I will throw my vr headsets in the bin ffs

  • It's just the outdoor map of Tabor with snow. The outdoor maps are the biggest pain because people just camp/snipe the whole place.

    • NL_VR

      Skill issue ;)
      No you cant camp/snipe the whole place on the "Tabor island" map. You have to move eventually if you do.
      and Silent north will not be Tabor island with snow.

  • Barry Shockley

    Yep, looks like a game from the devs of Tabor. Pure garbage.

  • NL_VR

    i think it looks great why all so negative. The graphics will be cellshaded to save performance on Quest i heard.
    The map will be BIG.
    Having a survival zombie game like DayZ with Ghost of tabor mechanics will be great.
    Tabor is a great game imo, it have janks and problem but still in development