images courtesy Sony Interactive Entertainment

Sony Announces 4 Asia-Developed PSVR Titles Are Coming West

    Categories: News

Sony today announced four new titles for PlayStation VR at the annual ChinaJoy Expo in Shanghai—all of which have been confirmed to make it over to Western audiences. The games come as a result of a partnership between Sony Interactive Entertainment and what they call “some of Asia’s most exciting developers.”

Specific release dates haven’t been established yet, but the following games are said to release sometime in 2017.


Coming from Singapore-based Gattai Games is an interesting take on the horror genre that puts you, a sight-impaired character, at the forefront. Using echolocation to reveal your surroundings, you dodge enemies that ‘light up’ when they make sound. You can even use the PSVR’s built-in mic to help illuminate the way as you clamber away to safety.

The Walker

From Chinese developer Haymaker, The Walker is a fantasy combat tale that places you in historic Shanghai as the descendant of an ancient sword-wielding, magic-using family. After the rise of a demonic militia, you’re thrown into the fray to save the world. The Walker makes heavy use of spells and charms so you can infuse weapons with special powers.

Kill X

From China-based VIVA Games comes Kill X, a claustrophobic thriller set on a secret island where human test subjects were turned into horrible mutants—all in the search for immortality, of course. Experiencing every level of monster created, the studio promises head-exploding combat, plenty of weaponry and some puzzles too.

Legion Commander

ChangYou Games is known for their martial arts MMORPGs in China, and the company has teamed up with Sony to bring out a real-time strategy game. Using special cards to cast spells on the battlefield and giving you three distinct races to choose from; Orcs, Humans and Elves, you battle against an evil overlord.

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