‘Star Wars: Trials on Tatooine’ Coming to HTC Vive, Leaked Trailer Indicates

Star Wars is coming to the HTC Vive courtesy of ILMxLab we now know, thanks to the experience’s trailer leaking briefly. It’s to be called Star Wars: Trials on Tatooine and this is what it looks like.

See Also: Stepping Into Star Wars and Jurassic World with ILMxLab’s ‘Holo-Cinema’See Also: Stepping Into Star Wars and Jurassic World with ILMxLab’s ‘Holo-Cinema’
See Also: Stepping Into Star Wars and Jurassic World with ILMxLab’s ‘Holo-Cinema’

The experimental arm of the special effects division of Lucasfilm – Industrial Light and Magic – now owned by Disney, have made some over the last 12 months with its concerted focus on bringing the beloved Star Wars franchise to the immersive realm.

Most recently, the ILMxLab team brought their experimental Holo-Cinema to Sundance, with an experience built around the Star Wars and Jurassic Park universes.

Now, it seems a “Cinematic Virtual Reality Experiment” is on its way to the SteamVR powered HTC Vive in the form of Star Wars: Trials on Tatooine. According to Engadget, a trailer for the new experience appeared on ILM’s YouTube channel before swiftly being set to private again. But not before eagle-eyed Internet dwellers pulled some screenshots from the video.

The experience features the titular Tatooine location, and it does appear to be a real-time rendered affair with scenes on the famous desert planet, R2D2 and at least one light saber (ZOMG!). The Millenium Falcon also makes a brief appearance.

The experience was actually announced last year to tie in with the launch of Star Wars: The Force Awakens in cinemas, but has presumably been waiting in the wings after the HTC Vive’s launch was delayed last year. With the Vive’s launch now set for April 5th, pre-orders now open and VRDC/GDC coming up next week, it’s likely we’re about to find out much more about the experience in the next few days.

Road to VR will be at VRDC / GDC next week where we hope to learn more about the experience.

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