Star Wars Vader Immortal – Episode 1 arrived on Oculus Quest late last month as a key launch title for the standalone headset. ILMxLab today launched its Star Wars-themed experience on Rift & Rift S.

Update (June 20th, 2019): Star Wars Vader Immortal – Episode 1 is now available on the Oculus Store for Rift (S), priced at $10. In addition, Oculus Home now features two collectible light sabers to futz around with.

Original Article (June 12th, 2019): ILMxLab says it will be available on the Rift platform starting June 20th. Oculus additionally says that it supports cross-buy, meaning if you own it on Quest, you’ll also be able to download it on Rift (S) for free. Star Wars Vader Immortal – Episode 1 normally costs $10.

While the game is a narrative-based adventure at its core, and really only offers about 45 minutes of story content, the experience also features a surprisingly fun ‘Lightsaber Dojo’ that offers hours of engaging challenges too.

Road to VR’s Ben Lang says in our review that Lightsaber Dojo mode made for at least three hours of challenging gameplay. Although it’s wave-based, Lang says he was surprised at just how fun it was.

“I can see myself pushing to make it to the last stage and sharing it with friends in the future,” Lang writes. “For the collectors among you, there’s a series of different lightsaber colors and hilts to be unlocked by scoring well on each wave.”

Read our full review of the experience and mini-game here to learn more.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • impurekind

    Well I already bought it for Quest, so I’m looking forward to trying it on Rift.

  • Peyton Lind

    Nice, glad for Rift users and glad it’s cross-buy. I also have a Rift to go with my Quest yet there is no way in hell I’d want to play the dojo mode on it because of the cord since the dojo is a true 360 mode.

    Maybe I’ll check out the Rift version’s story mode one day, that is if it has a big graphical bump.

  • Bartholomew

    Wow! Another great Valve’s VR game. Oculus Rift owners to thank Gaben will buy VR games only on Steam (f*ck you Oculus!).

    • Jarilo

      Lord Gaben doesn’t care about 45 minute experiences dumbed down from a snap dragon cell phone processor.

      • cartweet

        Yeah Gaben doesn’t mess with that…just look at the last game they released …a card game lol. And they plan on releasing it for ios/android.

        • Jarilo

          Lord Gaben doesn’t have to release PC games when Lord Gaben literally is PC.

  • Jonathan Winters III

    Yay! Rift owner appreciates this!

    • JesuSaveSouls

      I bought a quest but really couldnt afford it.What I like about oculus is they bring those quest games to the rift.So you dont have to buy a new vr to play.Jesusaves.

      • MAGA Man

        Trump could buy all the Quests! Be like Trump! Trump Saves!!!

        • sonia

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          You two are freaking killing me.

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  • JesuSaveSouls

    Its a bargain and steal for ten bucks and with cross buy definitely.I want to say Jesus is mankinds sole hope.

    • MAGA Man

      Don’t worry, Trump will save mankind!!! MAGA!!!

      • Francesco Fazio

        @MAGA Stop this bullshit now. I have already reported you scumbag.

        • Randy V.

          Reported him for being Right? Seems you Left your common sense behind.

          • Warscent

            Yes, trendy progressives like fazio hate America and the western free market society that gave him VR in the first place. Anyone showing anything but contempt for this country should be reported and banned.

          • Francesco Fazio

            Reported this fool for spamming ! Of course Trump goes to the dump. The problem is this idiot spams thinking it is funny. He is totally off topic, repetitive and annoying = a 360 degrees fool. I am confident the explanation was clear enough.

        • aasd

          hes making fun of the religious nut by being a right wing nut…. you’re an idiot to report him… turn ur fucking brain on

          • Francesco Fazio

            and I reported you too scumbag. What is wrong with you exactly ? Some idiot that keeps on talking about Jesus and Trump in a page dedicated to VR games is tolerable in your opinion ? In your narrow brain as small as your little dicks ? WTF ?

        • NooYawker

          Did you also report the religious nut he keeps responding to?

      • Andrew Jakobs

        uhh, no, he will propably destroy mankind.. the man’s a baby with no selfcontrol.. but he sure makes good comedy..

        • Ace of Spades

          Emperor Trump the one and only!

          Oh and He triggers libtards, THAT ALONE makes oh so happy.

  • Tailgun

    Will the graphics be improved on the PCVR headsets or the same, I wonder?

    • Warscent

      It will be scaled.

  • Ubelsteiner

    I’m very interested in seeing some side-by-side graphics comparisons… Although they will probably be posted the day after the game comes out, and I will have already played both versions myself by then anyway!

  • JesuSaveSouls

    Quest needs to take advantage of those cameras with ar too.Like porting Jedi challenges to the quest.Jesus is my Lord and Savior !

    • MAGA Man

      Trump is our President and Savior!!! Trump 2020!!!

      • oompah

        But tell him to stop wars ( including trade wars )
        and give at least 2000$ to each unemployed citizen per month
        that would remove poverty & boost economy

        • aasd

          base income wouldnt solve anything. just more inflation

        • Warscent

          From what I observed first hand as a military member, he has stopped countless war engagements and continues to do so. If not for him I would still be in Syria or Iraq .
          As for the money, we have a welfare system but you probably prefer a more draconian socialist or communist approach. Venezuelans used to buy gaming PCs, now they are fighting each other to the death over rotten dumpster meat. You need a reality check.

      • Warscent

        Why troll a Vr site?

    • Derran

      Please stop breaking the 3rd commandment.

  • TheRockerFellersCashGrab

    The one think I like about Billery Clinton is that it will be our next president wich we have encouraged her to be wisely. Donald Trump was our first man on the floor the clinton family is our next vote! Bill&Hill 2020 – 2040

  • JesuSaveSouls

    Great bargain for 10. I would like to know if upcoming episodes will cost extra ? Jesus is my Lord and Savior !

    • oompah

      If u write too many religious oneliners
      u may have a chronic disease (probly in pants) & lost hope of cure , this is the last one probly, hoping for a miracle.

      • Warscent

        Why do you care so much about his harmless comments little cookie? I suppose if he hailed satan or put Alah Snacknar after every post you triggered morons wouldn’t even take notice .

        • Bob Smith

          You suppose? You suppose wrong. Sounds like you like this Jesus shit too, so you’re fine with it, but to the rest of us, it’s just annoying, and the fact that we’re annoyed with it, triggers YOU.

          So you’re the one being triggered. Moron.

          • Francesco Fazio

            Exactly. Warscent you god damn moron loser and fool.

          • Warscent

            It must be so rough to be offended by kindness.
            You attack someones comment because he merely ends it with a personal jest yet Im the one triggered?
            Have some coke and a smile boy.

    • MAGA Man

      Trump is Jesus incarnate!!! MAGA!!!

      • SataNeedSoulsToo

        Lies, we have a compact.. Anti-Christ… possibly

  • superdonkey

    the main difference is the rift version has custom shaders, ie things look more shiny.
    the main game is the same, they really got the saber fights right.
    worth buying for the dojo.

  • I’m not by any means a huge Star Wars fan, but this game may be the best VR experience I’ve ever seen. Its story mode is short but it’s absolutely gorgeous and impressively convincing. The scenes are dramatic and leave you wanting more, which is extremely rare in any kind of game. Then there is the lightsaber dojo part of the game which seems almost unlimited in presenting players with levels of increasing difficulty. The actions required of the player are totally convincing and feel like actual combat. There is a definite skill set required.

    The reason it is so good is that it is simple and constrains the player to doing one thing but doing it well.

    Other games I’ve played and like a lot are Creed: Rise to Glory and Arizona Sunshine.

    Creed is great because of its brilliant boxing mechanism which keeps a player in a relatively confined area. Arizona Sunshine is more open world, but not really. You just shoot things. It’s like being railroaded down a path, but it has a light touch and convinces with its gorgeous scenery.

    But Vader Immortal has the quality of really putting you inside Star Wars. It’s breathtaking. It actually makes me want them to just make Star Wars entirely VR and release huge stories this way.

    I eagerly await the next episode. They can release these things forever and I will probably continue to buy them.

  • Silver Maze

    OMG! If only I had a Rift to play it on.

    • Francesco Fazio

      I played it I have a Rift. Nothing great trust me. It is super short and the interaction is just minimal. Disappointing.

  • david

    HTC VIVE setup ?

  • Sophia

    Thank you for this great information! star wars immortal!!!
    Immortality & Science forum:
    please accept thanks

  • Sophia

    Thank you for this great information! “Star Wars Vader Immortal Launches on Rift”
    Immortality & Science forum:
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