Image courtesy Tender Claws

‘Stranger Things VR’ is Leaving Quest Exclusivity, Coming to PSVR 2 and PC VR Headsets in December

Stranger Things VR (2024), the Quest game from Tender Claws, is leaving timed Quest exclusivity next month.

Originally launched on Quest 2/3/Pro in February, the studio announced it’s bringing Stanger Things VR to to PSVR 2 and SteamVR-compatible headsets on December 5th.

Here’s the breakdown, courtesy of Tender Claws:

Experience the world of Stranger Things from the never-before-seen perspective of Vecna as he explores unknown realities, forms the hive mind, and enacts his plan for revenge against Eleven and Hawkins.

Players will invade the dreams and memories of fan-favorite characters and harness telekinetic powers to possess minds and battle creatures, as Henry Creel’s transformation into Vecna and his influence on the events of prior seasons is revealed.

In our review on Quest earlier this year, we lauded the game’s visually intense retelling of the show’s last two seasons, showcasing extremely deft art direction in the process. On the flipside, it retreads a lot of familiar ground for fans of the show, and puts some of its most engaging gameplay mechanics in the backseat, presenting itself as more as mélange of interesting scenes than a truly indispensable addition to the franchise’s lore.

Still, it’s a visually intense experience, letting you follow the show’s villain Vecna and protagonist Eleven as you traverse the terrifying world of the Upside Down and a shattered version of Hawkins, letting you confront Dr. Brenner and duke it out with Demodogs and Demobats alike—culminating in around four hours of gameplay.

You can pre-order Stranger Things VR on the PlayStation Store for PSVR 2, priced at $20, and wishlist the game on Steam for PC VR headsets.

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