Cas & Chary Present: Awesome Things to Do in VR Other Than Gaming


When it comes to consumer VR headsets, gaming is clearly on of the most common use-cases. However, there are so many other things that are compelling and fun to do in VR. In this video and article, I share things you can do in VR other than gaming that I enjoy.

Cas & Chary Present

Cas and Chary VR is a YouTube channel hosted by Netherland-based duo Casandra Vuong and Chary Keijzer who have been documenting their VR journeys since 2016. They share a curated selection of their content with extra insights for the Road to VR audience.

Play Instruments in VR

Some VR apps allow you to spawn instruments, like complete drum sets, out of thin air in front of you. This is great because it removes physical limitations like space and even noise that could annoy your neighbors!

Image courtesy Paradiddle

Paradiddle is a great example for people who want to drum. It’s also pretty cool to see others drum entire covers using it.

If you have an Oculus Quest, there’s even a piano tutorial app available on SideQuest called VRTuos. It uses hand tracking and a real piano to teach you to play songs. If you’ve got a piano, you should try it! There’s also a VRTuos Pro version if you want unlock more features and support the developer.

Meditate in VR

For those looking for distraction-free relaxation after a heavy workday, try out meditation apps in VR. I’m not the type to meditate myself as I get distracted way too fast. However, it works better in VR for me, and even if it only lasts for five minutes, I feel rejuvenated after.

The apps I recommend checking out are Guided Meditation VRtheBlu, or for Quest NatureTreks VR. And check out Road to VR’s expansive list of relaxing games and experiences if you’re looking for even more ways to chill out in VR.

Attend VR Performance with Live Actors

Image courtesy Tender Claws

Attending a virtual theater show was one of the best things to do this year. In The Under Presents, you could book a ticket to attend a 40 minutes live actor show based on Shakespeare’s The Tempest. This was with up to eight attendees, but we could only communicate by body language as we couldn’t speak to each other. The only person that spoke was the live actor who narrated and improvised the whole show. The actor had the power to spawn objects and put us in different environments. It was a magical experience.

Right now, The Under Presents does not have any shows running (though it still has much to explore), but keep an eye on the immersive theater VR space as I’m expecting to see more of this genre!

Watch Movies with Friends in VR

Image courtesy Bigscreen

In Bigscreen, you can book tickets to 3D and non-3D movies and watch them together with friends in a big cinema. It’s like sitting in your own private theater! This is a great way to catch up with movies or hang out with friends that may be far away.

Attend VR Concerts

Image courtesy Wave

If you haven’t tried attending a VR concert yet, you should check out Wave. ‘Waves’ are live, interactive, and social concerts in a virtual environment where you’re able to connect with the artist and other fans in an immersive way. Currently, there are no shows available, but check out the recap of the Lindsey Stirling show to get a feel of what it’s like. There are also other experiences to explore inside the app, which you can download from Steam.

Work out in VR

Don’t like going to the gym? Then VR might be an excellent motivation to get more exercise as it is less boring, at least in my opinion. There are subscription-based apps like VZFit or Holofit that give you access to an app and tracker and allow you to bring an exercise bike or even an elliptical into your VR experience.

On Oculus Quest, you could try VRWorkout (on SideQuest) and Supernatural VR.

If you’re especially interested in VR fitness, check out our video & article on why working out in VR is a game-changer!

Co-work in VR

Image courtesy Virtual Desktop

More and more VR apps are coming out that allow us to co-work innovatively. This may not work for all types of meetings but could be a nice change of environment for affairs like brainstorming sessions.

You can try it out with the free VR chatroom, Mozilla Hubs. It’s easy to use and doesn’t require an installation. All you need is to do is create and share a link for people to join. More apps you can check out are Immersed VR and Bigscreen.

Visit Your Your Old House & Travel Virtually in VR

Image courtesy Google

With Google Earth VR, you can visit the whole world without leaving the comfort of your home. Imagine walking on the Great Wall Of China or climbing on top of a pyramid in Egypt. There are some things you can only do in VR. Unfortunately, this app isn’t available on Quest, but it has something close: Wander.

Design in VR (and even 3D print)

Image courtesy Gravity Sketch, design by James Robbins

It’s much easier to create 3D models when you can use the whole environment and your hands instead of a mouse and keyboard. And if you know someone with a 3D printer, you could even bring some of your creations into the real world. Apps to try are Tilt Brush, Gravity Sketch, or Adobe Medium. After that, export it to your PC with 3D printer settings and print! There is something very fascinating about seeing something you made come to life this way.

Learn in VR

Image courtesy Force Field

I believe VR experiences will make a significant impact in the educational sector in the future as learning in VR seems to stick much more than reading a book. If you want to get a feel of what this is like, there are great interactive learning apps available like National Geographic Explore VR and Anne Frank House VR. Or try a documentary, like Traveling While Black.

And that’s just a sample of what’s out there. Know any great non-gaming VR apps? Share your recommendations in the comments below!

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  • NooYawker

    Regular and 3D movies are great in VR.
    I watched some guy talk about his Index on youtube and apparently sleeping in your VR headset is a thing… lot’s of people doing some weird things in VR.

  • martin

    you can also do the porn.

    • BallsHoles

      Why are you booing him he’s right!

    • AlienHawk

      Dude, the second phone call Bell made was to Watson’s wife asking what she was wearing.

    • E Nigma

      Great idea for those beer goggle girls. No more need for all the beer!

  • Till Eulenspiegel

    The video is presented by women, but if it’s a guy you’ll know what other things they do in VR.

    • namekuseijin

      yeah, they dress like a female manga character in VR Chat

  • Something I’ve been doing this year is virtually attending immersive festivals; Annecy, Venice and Raindance.

    With Covid having shut venues, it’s been fantastic to experience many new applications and experiences using my own headset at home. Currently working my way through the 50 hours runtime available at Raindance.

    The only thing I’d say to festival organisers, don’t give it away for free! I’m sure many would be happy to pay a small fee for accreditation, it’s very important that festival costs are covered and content creators receive renumeration.

  • silvaring

    Hey guys just a mistake I picked up, the arrow seems to be pointing in the wrong direction : )

  • Ad

    I don’t know how anyone can think VR is for more than just games, but then go along with Facebook getting a monopoly in XR. I wonder what genocides they’ll exacerbate, what elections they’ll mess up, what new hate and conspiracy theories that will take off, all in their locked down XR platform. This industry just feels rotten.

    • namekuseijin

      I see mimimi people

    • Andrew Jakobs

      What the hell are you talking about, maybe you should get your head out of your ass and put on a VR headset and just enjoy VR…

      • Ad

        When you turn 18 in six years you might understand.

        • Andrew Jakobs

          says the toddler who can barely understand anything…..

  • JB1968

    Didn’t they forgot the #2(after gaming) thing VR users do? :-)

  • Kelt Rivera

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • If you don’t mind the near CONSTANT interruptions, there are alot of musicians that pop up in VRChat.

    But yah, there’s not alot to see in VR right now. I’ve done everything on that list and it’s like one long day’s worth.

  • R B

    Can’t believe they missed Tripp for meditation app!

  • moldywarpe

    Reading books and comics and listening to audiobooks in VR in different environments with immersionVR reader -

  • Johnatan Blogins

    the Museum of Other Realities should definitely get a mention!

  • In regards to playing instruments in VR: We’re working on a virtual modular synth – check it out on Steam!

  • Sion12

    There is thing other than VR porn?

  • Kristen Tamm

    Futuclass is an educational VR game for learning sciences in virtual reality.