‘TO THE TOP’ Studio Reveal Sequel ‘SUPER KIT’, Coming to PSVR in 2022


Electric Hat Games, the studio behind VR platforming pioneer TO THE TOP (2017), announced they have a sequel in the works called Super Kit: To The Top. 

Update (April 12th, 2022): Electric Hat Games tells Road to VR that its sequel, Super Kit: To The Top, isn’t targeting multiplayer, however the studio alluded to another title in the series that may do so in the future. The original article follow below:

Original Article (April 11th, 2022): YouTube channel ‘PSVR Without Parole’ debuted the trailer of Super Kit on last Thursdays installment of their recurring Gamescast Live show. Super Kit is said to launch sometime in 2022 on PlayStation VR.

Electric Hat hasn’t said much about the game outside of the official trailer, but looking at the video it’s apparent Super Kit is focusing again on high-flying parkour with the addition of some combat elements and some very slick-looking environments that recall games like Jet Set Radio, Mirror’s Edge, and The Climb 2.

Although announced for PlayStation VR for 2022, the original To The Top eventually made it to all major VR headset platforms after its launch in 2017, most recently coming to Quest via the App Lab distribution channel in March 2021. Notice Super Kit’s game trailer was captured on PC VR.

If Super Kit is looking to match or beat the original in features, we’ll be expecting at least 35 levels with multiple challenges and modes available to both solo and multiplayer users (see update).

Granted, that’s what’s available on To The Top, but we’re expecting a lot more from what appears to be a more impressive sequel that features some shooter elements across massive levels. From the trailer, it seems like there will be plenty of tricks in the ‘super kit’, allowing for wall-running, super human jumps, ground-pounding, shooting and more.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.