pete-carkeekI was invited to cover the VR Intelligence Conference that debuted in San Francisco in November last year. It was a smaller but very focused gathering of decision-makers from a wide range of different industries where I had a chance to catch up with conference organizer Pete Carkeek to hear about some of the industry analysis highlights from the panel discussions, how the VR Intelligence conference came about, and where they’re going in the future.


I was able to interview a lot of analysts, venture capitalists, and executives that I don’t easily bump into at other conferences. Here’s my top 10 favorite interviews from the VR Intelligence conference:

The VR Intelligence Conference has also published many of the talks on their YouTube channel, and is also holding a European VR Intelligence Conference in London on May 12-13, 2016.

See Also: The Problem With Projections and What Makes the Just-released ‘2016 VR Industry Report’ Different

They also published one of my favorite talks was Jesse Schell’s 40 predictions of VR & AR from 2016 to 2025:

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  • You know, this is about as far jumping the gun as humanly possible. You might as well discuss hotels on the moon. What insight could anyone have on an industry that doesn’t exist outside of science and engineering? This is clearly aimed at consumer sales, which at this point, is just the GearVR and Google Cardboard.

    To make matters worse, well myself and anyone reading this blog can’t wait to get their hands on more VR gear, I’m getting some so-so reactions from the friends and family I’ve shown this too. Either they aren’t interested in it at all, think the costs are crazy, or they keep asking where the porn is at. I’m hoping this will pass and I’ll see some genuine interest eventually, but the more I try to show them, the less good feedback I’m getting back.Kinda reminds me of the Wii.

    Hopefully the Vive, with it’s hand tracking, will garner some serious enthusiasm. I’ll be showing that off to everybody I know once it gets here. But to be talking about all of these business opportunities…. that’s tossing the cart out WAY ahead of the horse… unless you’re into porn production, in which case, I’m hearing ALOT of interest. :p

    • yag

      Well your friends and family are not the norm.