While Oculus doesn’t offer much publicly in the way of understanding how well individual apps are performing across its VR storefronts, it’s possible to glean some insight by looking at apps relative to each other. Here’s a snapshot of the top 20 Oculus Quest games and apps.

Some quick qualifications before we get to the data dump:

  • Paid and free apps are separated
  • Only apps with more than 100 reviews are represented
  • Rounded ratings may appear to show ‘ties’ in ratings for some applications, but the ranked order remains correct
  • This is a snapshot as of today, expect positions to shift over time
The Top 20 Best Rated and Most Rated Rift Games & Apps

Best Rated Paid Oculus Quest Apps

The rating of each application is an aggregate of user reviews and a useful way to understand the general reception of each title by customers.

Name Rating (# of ratings) Price
The Thrill of the Fight 4.91 (789) $10
Moss 4.86 (907) $30
Kingspray Graffiti 4.84 (321) $15
I Expect You To Die 4.79 (546) $25
Racket: Nx 4.79 (585) $20
SculptrVR 4.79 (132) $10
SUPERHOT VR 4.77 (2,390) $25
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes 4.77 (108) $15
Space Pirate Trainer 4.77 (767) $15
Pistol Whip 4.76 (438) $25
Gadgeteer 4.73 (155) $15
Red Matter 4.71 (760) $25
Real VR Fishing 4.70 (310) $20
Job Simulator 4.67 (839) $20
Shadow Point 4.67 (312) $20
Virtual Virtual Reality 4.66 (295) $15
Journey of the Gods 4.62 (346) $30
Fujii 4.59 (100) $15
Dreadhalls 4.58 (203) $10
Sairento VR : Untethered 4.56 (707) $20
  • Among the 20 best rated paid games & apps on Quest
    • Average rating (mean): 4.7 out of 5
    • Average price (mean): $19
    • Most common price (mode): $15
  • Among all paid games & apps on Quest
    • Average rating (mean): 4.4 out of 5
    • Average price (mean): $19
    • Most common price (mode): $20

Most Rated Paid Oculus Quest Apps

The number of ratings often gives a ballpark idea of the relative sales of each title; a title with more ratings is likely to have sold better than a title with less, though there’s certainly an unknown margin of error.

Name Number of Ratings (rating) Price
Beat Saber 7,925 (4.54) $30
Vader Immortal: Episode I 3,103 (4.43) $10
SUPERHOT VR 2,390 (4.77) $25
Vader Immortal: Episode II 1,343 (3.89) $10
Robo Recall: Unplugged 1,315 (4.50) $30
Drop Dead: Dual Strike Edition 964 (4.45) $15
Moss 907 (4.86) $30
Job Simulator 839 (4.67) $20
Gun Club VR 800 (4.50) $20
The Thrill of the Fight 789 (4.91) $10
Space Pirate Trainer 767 (4.77) $15
Red Matter 760 (4.71) $25
Sairento VR : Untethered 707 (4.56) $20
Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR 604 (4.22) $20
Racket: Nx 585 (4.79) $20
I Expect You To Die 546 (4.79) $25
BOXVR 509 (4.18) $30
Richie’s Plank Experience 449 (4.16) $15
Pistol Whip 438 (4.76) $25
Virtual Desktop 411 (4.35) $20
  • Among the 20 most rated paid games & apps on Quest
    • Median number of ratings : 778
    • Average price (mean): $21
    • Most common price (mode): $20
  • Among all paid games & apps on Quest
    • Median number of ratings: 293
    • Average price (mean): $19
    • Most common price (mode): $20

Best Rated Free Oculus Quest Apps

Name Rating (# of ratings)
First Steps 4.89 (562)
Oculus First Contact 4.73 (491)
Anne Frank House VR 4.66 (405)
SKYBOX VR Video Player 4.63 (302)
Adam Savage’s Tested VR 4.41 (164)
Rec Room 4.41 (1,705)
Bogo 4.41 (334)
Mission: ISS 4.37 (313)
NextVR 4.28 (121)
Bigscreen Beta 4.27 (705)
YouTube VR 4.21 (324)
AltspaceVR 4.20 (158)
Bait! 4.10 (331)
VRChat 4.10 (633)
Firefox Reality 3.99 (115)
PokerStars VR 3.83 (820)
Prime Video VR 3.81 (138)
Traveling While Black 3.73 (225)
Netflix 3.68 (280)
  • Among the 20 best rated free games & apps on Quest
    • Average rating (mean): 4.3 out of 5
  • Among all free games & apps on Quest
    • Average rating (mean): 4.1 out of 5

Most Rated Free Oculus Quest Apps

Name Number of Ratings (rating)
Rec Room 1,705 (4.41)
PokerStars VR 820 (3.83)
Bigscreen Beta 705 (4.27)
VRChat 633 (4.10)
First Steps 562 (4.89)
Epic Roller Coasters 553 (2.98)
Oculus First Contact 491 (4.73)
Anne Frank House VR 405 (4.66)
Bogo 334 (4.41)
Bait! 331 (4.10)
Oculus Venues 325 (2.21)
YouTube VR 324 (4.21)
Mission: ISS 313 (4.37)
SKYBOX VR Video Player 302 (4.63)
Netflix 280 (3.68)
Traveling While Black 225 (3.73)
Poker VR 177 (3.42)
Adam Savage’s Tested VR 164 (4.41)
AltspaceVR 158 (4.20)
  • Among the 20 most rated paid games & apps on Quest
    • Median number of ratings : 328
  • Among all paid games & apps on Quest
    • Median number of ratings: 319

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Bonus Stats

  • There are approximately 128 games & apps in the Oculus Quest store
  • 63% of games & apps are paid while 37% are free
  • 42% of Quest games & apps have earned more than 100 ratings (compared to only 17.5% on the Rift store)
  • The most common price on the Quest store is $20 (compared to $10 on the Rift store)
  • Two games are currently tied as the most expensive in the Quest library at $40: OrbusVR: Reborn and TOKYO CHRONOS (the most expensive games on the Rift store are $60)
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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."