OSVR announced today that 12 new partners have signed up to work with the Open-Source Virtual Reality (OSVR) headset, a so called “hacker dev kit” that is intended to be entirely hardware agnostic.

Ubisoft, the video game studio best known for popular titles like Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry and Watch Dogs, will be supporting the OSVR initiative along with 11 other companies, ranging from game studios to VR/AR headset manufacturers.

Technical Illusions, makers of augmented reality glasses castAR, will also be throwing their hat in with the new open-source movement.

Helsinki based Mindfield Games, makers of Pollen, an ‘Oculus Rift Optimized’ story-driven adventure set on the moon Titan, has also voiced support.

razer hdk vr headset osvr (4)

Vuzix, the long-time manufacturer of head-mounted displays and video eyewear will no doubt be bringing their manufacturing expertise to the table, and providing the modular parts that make the open-sourced device possible.

See Also: 13 More Partners Join OSVR, New Academia Program to Give 10 VR Headsets to Each Eligible University

Razer will be showing OSVR along with theese supporting members, (and those listed below) at GDC, offering demos showing a variety of supported games and input devices LeapMotion, NodLabs, Sixense, Untold Games and Tammeka Games.

Other OSVR supporters include:

  • Aesthetic Interactive
  • ARCortex
  • Homido
  • Hydra Interactive Entertainment
  • Seebright, Inc.
  • Seven Hills Games
  • Stompz

Since its introduction, OSVR has continued to collect the support of the manufacturing and software community, which hopefully will allow the project to provide developers with the modular tools to continue to make new and interesting solutions for both VR and AR in the near future.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.