Ultimechs (2022), the rocket-fist-powered VR sport from Resolution Games, just released its second season, bringing a bunch of new features including a new UltiPass with more unlockable items, and an Arcade Mode that’s certain to speed up the fast-paced game in some new ways, and also remove some the strings of having to compete.

Ultimechs is a free-to-play sports game inspired by Rocket League where you either go head-to-head with another player or team up in 2v2 co-op as you guide a massive ball into your opponent’s goal.

Having launched back in September on Meta Quest, Pico, and SteamVR headsets, the fast-paced sports game is now heading into its second season starting today. Take a look at the season 2 trailer below:

Ultimechs’ new arcade mode ups the ante by making gloves return faster, shortening cooldowns, and increasing the number of Supercharges in the arena so you can go full blast in the game of rockety-fisty-ball.

As a part of the second season, players can also put their earned XP towards a new UltiPass, the Ultimechs battle pass which is said to include 75 new items ready to unlock across 50 levels in the Premium for 950 of its in-game currency. The newest addition in UltiPass Season 2: GauntJet Trails.

Image courtesy Resolution Games

GauntJet Trails are a new customization option that follows you rocket fists every time they’re fired, and include things like a flurry of butterflies and lightning. This nearly doubles the number of cosmetic items you can use to personalize your Ultimech, including paint jobs, headgear, glove accessories, poses and banners.

The new UltiPass can be purchased on XYZ Quest Store, Pico, and SteamVR

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.