Insomniac Games, developers behind The Unspoken (2017), Edge of Nowhere (2016), and Ratchet & Clank, showed off a sneak peek of their next VR game. While still unnamed, the studio is aiming to break boundaries with what they say is ‘an open world adventure.’

The whole developer spotlight video (below) is pretty tight-lipped about what’s next, although the studio’s Principal Designer Duncan Moore says “[we wanted to] create really beautiful, immersive spaces and apply it to a new palette of open world adventure.”

“In this new project, you’ll be able to go wherever you want,” says Nina Fricker, Insomniac’s Lead Technical Animator. Fricker continues: “To be able to bring that into the VR space is definitely the next evolution of what we’re going for.”

The video’s description has a cryptic line too, saying “Reclaim Your World – June 7, 2018.”

Although target platforms are still unknown, the video was published by Oculus, possibly pointing to a new Rift exclusive in the works. Both The Unspoken and Edge of Nowhere are exclusive to the Oculus platform.

No launch date is set yet, so we’ll just have to wait and see on June 7th for what Insomniac has planned next.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Firestorm185

    Not just a new game… a new game in like a week? Insomniac, you are too amazing for your own good. xD Cannot wait!

    • ShiftyInc

      The game is coming out somewhere in 2019. The official reveal is next week.

  • JJ

    I Love insomniac games! A bit ago they were in americas top ten most fun places to work.

    • NooYawker

      I just read the most depressing article about the state of game developers. The instability, the over working, the lack of full time work. It’s a tough field.

      • JJ

        Yeah it is a tough field to be in. I’m half way in it but currently working for a company doing more technical vr apps instead. a lot of my friends are struggling for that perfect game design job when really they need to take what they can get and build a portfolio, THEN go for the good jobs.

      • Bryan Ischo

        It’s because people think working on games will be as fun as playing games. Anyone who has any experience in software development will realize that while some aspects of this will be true (it’s got to be more fun/rewarding to test your code when testing your code means playing through a game level or fighting a boss or something versus reading through a bunch of text logging from a test program), overall the majority of the work is the same and if you don’t enjoy the software development process in general, you won’t enjoy the software development process of working on games either.

        But because lots of people don’t realize this (either through inexperience or wishful thinking), they end up competing for jobs that are just going to disappoint them, and are willing to accept worse pay/worse conditions in the bargain.

        Of course if you’re an indy developer and get to control your environment and working conditions better … then the only problem is you probably won’t be paid well. Everything else would be great I would imagine (and as an aside — optimizing your life for happiness at work over monetary reward is not necessarily a bad choice).

        Whereas I wrote about software development, I would expect other aspects of game development (project management, art, model building, etc) would suffer from all of the same effects, probably to a lesser degree though.

      • Lucidfeuer

        Nobody is to blame but everybody. The fault is on code architectures, although not so much given the wealth of software advancements, researches and papers, and mainly on the grossly archaïc steam-machine pipeline we use as tool that still make it way too complicated to get beyond the “bootstrapping” approach of creating a video-game (or any software for that matter).

        Trying to somewhat get all the basic elements working together without catastrophies from creations to optimisation and publishing is already too difficult for most studios to even bother trying to make what you’d actually want let alone push further. Only huge studios with decades of constant up-to-date adaptation and optimisation can afford to have something well crafted or original, with finishes and touches.

  • Dorothy Jean Thompson

    F exclusives. I have both headsets but rather use VIVE.

    • JJ

      yupp that kills me

    • lloydbeatz


      • Junt

        Pirate + revive ;)

  • gothicvillas

    Not to release on Vive is racist

    • Huh I am going to over look how dumb this sound

    • MatBrady

      So true. It’s VR apartheid. Devs that are Vivists are the worst.

      • gothicvillas

        Yes Vivephobes and Rifter Jugend

  • MatBrady

    Insomniac have been bold with the different kinds of VR experiments they’ve given us so far, and I get a strong feeling that this release (whatever it is) will be one where Insomniac have finally solved something truly fundamental to the problems other devs have had making compelling VR content. Bring on June 7th. Show us what you got. :D

  • PJ

    An open world made for VR game? My underpants area is getting incredibly moist..