Lucasfilm’s AR/VR studio ILMxLAB is set to give Star Wars fans an exclusive first look at Star Wars Vader Immortal – Episode II during a panel at the official Disney fan event, D23 Expo.

The panel is slated to feature director Ben Snow, senior experience designer Jose Perez III, and Lucasfilm Story Group creative executive Matt Martin.

Besides an in-depth discussion about the sequel, fans in attendance will also get a sneak peek of the studio’s next Star Wars-themed VR experience, available only to those in attendance.

The expo itself takes place in Anaheim, California on August 23-25. The panel is scheduled for Friday, August 23rd at 2:00 PM.  Keep an eye on the schedule here.

Image courtesy ILMxLAB, the official Star Wars blog

In case you haven’t heard, Star Wars Vader Immortal is a three-part VR “narrative adventure” and Oculus exclusive available on Rift and Quest. Little is known about the second installmenthowever last week the studio released word that this episode will put a marked emphasis on Force powers, a contrast to the first episode, which focused on wielding lightsabers in its additional game mode ‘Lightsaber Dojo’.

Although there isn’t much else to go on, make sure to check out our review of Vader Immortal: Episode I to find out why we gave it a more than respectable [8/10].

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • JesuSaveSouls

    Ten bucks gets you one on quest and rift.Go get a s or quest.

  • Jarilo

    You guys think it’s gonna have some form of Jedi powers Arena this time? or just more light saber action for the Arena?

  • Ratm

    Oh wow! another 50 of this,some glue, and they can call it game!!(adventure).

  • The Bard

    Ep1 was amazing. I played it with Odyssey+ via Revive in Steam VR. All worked well, very well actually. Super game! Can’t wait for the next episode!!!

  • Let me know when the trilogy is done and I can get a deal on the bundle. These episodic things have burned me before.