nDreams Reveals ‘SUPERHOT’ Inspired Shooter ‘Vendetta Forever’, Coming to Quest & PSVR 2 in October


VR veteran developer nDreams today unveiled at the VR Games Showcase a new shooter called Vendetta Forever, which seems to be taking a few cues from SUPERHOT.

Vendetta Forever is said to fuse rapid-fire tactical gunplay with acrobatic style in an unapologetic love letter to classic action cinema.

Coming to Quest 2/3/Pro and PSVR 2, nDreams says the game takes “everything you love about top-tier VR action, remove the fluff and cut to the good bit for 100% gunplay purity.”

Here’s how the studio describes it:

Powered by the all-new LO-KILL-MOTION mechanic. Shoot to kill. Kill to move.  Dispatch foes and seize their weapon in mid-air to propel yourself forward. Strategically plot your next move with each takedown in a frantic fight to the bitter end.

Vendetta Forever is slated to release on Quest and PSVR 2 in October 2024. The studio says a demo will also be available on Quest.

Store pages for Quest and PSVR 2 are already live so you can wishlist today.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • ViRGiN

    this isn't 2 front page articles worthy of a game.

    • ViRGiN

      …but I'll still buy it- Mark needs to recoup his investment costs, doesn't he? And I'm helping, I spend literally all my pocket money, all hail Him and His company. It's better than the others- especially THAT one!

      • ViRGiN


      • polysix

        You literally sound like an abandoned retard at this point. Seek help.

  • polysix

    Let's not kid ourselves, if Quest didn't exist then VR games like this wouldn't need to dumb down the graphics so obviously into so called 'stylised' art. I'm so tired of things that look less real than what we had 10 years back being passed off for VR (as if VR is somehow destined to have sh*t GFX forever) just because of mobile chipsets dominating.

    THANK GOD FOR PSVR2… and things like GT7, REVillage and RE4RMVR though there's no reason for this game to exist there, even if it had good gameplay it's clear it's VR for the sake of VR with graphics like this. Well done quest fanboys.