With help from corporate sponsors including HP and HTC’s eSports team, a new VR arcade-focused eSports initiative has kicked off its pilot season. Co-hosted by Virtual Athletics League (VAL), arcade management platform SpingboardVR, and mixed reality streaming software LIV, the VR eSports initiative will bring competitions to VR arcades across the globe, featuring games such as Space Pirate Trainer and Arizona Sunshine.

The Virtual Athletics League started two years ago as a concept created by Salt Lake City-based VR arcade Virtualities. The company aims to further tap into the VR eSports phenomenon, which it says has seen customer return rates rocket from 20% to over 50% for attendees of their first VR eSports tournaments.

After holding a few regional cross-arcade tournaments and a national one for Blaster of the Universe, the company headed a national Beat Saber Arcade tournament, which took place at a 168 locations across the globe.

VR games including Space Pirate Trainer, Arizona Sunshine, Island 359, QuiVR, Archangel: Hellfire, Skyfront, and After-H are among the titles currently planned for competitive tournaments, with more titles planned for later.

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Arcade tournaments are open to all VR arcades, although the company says it’s building a “more exclusive core league,” which will encourage arcades to organize teams replete with jerseys, professional casters and a Twitch fanbase.

While the company makes mention of prizes, there’s no definite amount yet, although we expect that to change in the future as regional teams organize around their local arcades.

VR Arcades interesting in joining the initiative can register at VAL’s website for more information.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • JesuSaveSouls

    Great for promoting vr.

  • dogtato

    Wonder if SPT will be with powerups off. Arizona Sunshine and Island 359 I’m guessing will be in the wave shooter mode. never heard of After H, steam says it’s coming summer 2018, looks maybe good. maybe it’s already available in arcades.

    • Matt Cat

      I just did an spt tournament. Powerups were on though I wish they were off