Vive Wave is HTC’s open platform that offers interoperability between several classes of mobile VR headsets and accessories, something the company hopes will help unite a fragmented market. Although with greater choice in VR accessories comes the task of understanding the key differences between them. Enter FinchShift and Chirp, two different solutions to the same problem: bringing 6DOF controllers to Vive Focus.

As early entrants into the 6DOF standalone headset segment, both Lenovo Mirage Solo and HTC Vive Focus come with a single 3DOF controller in the box, making for a notable mismatch in how you move your head in room-scale space and how you move your controller (rotation only).

At CES last month, I got a chance to try out both of the officially supported 6DOF controllers for Vive Focus back-to-back, FinchShift from Finch Technologies and Chirp from TDK’s Chirp Microsystems.

Both controllers offer what you might call ‘casual-level’ input—neither match the precision of what we’ve come to expect from the current bar set by Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Admittedly, it’s a very different playing field though, with power consumption at the top of the list, which is driving these companies to stay well away from Vive Focus’ optical tracking standard in pursuit of two approaches that are both basestation-free and light on computational & power requirements.

Chirp – Ultrasonics Showing Promise

The Chirp controllers are based on the company’s SonicTrack tech, which fuses ultrasonic and IMU sensor data to provide position and orientation tracking, giving the motion controllers a suitably wide tracking volume.

The company maintains its 180+ degree tracking volume extends to a maximum of 1.2 meters away (~4 feet), or well outside the average arm’s length of reach.

The system is essentially composed of two main parts, the faceplate receiver/emitter which plugs into Vive Focus’ USB port, and the controllers; both the controllers and faceplate house an array of the company’s CH-101 ultrasonic emitters.

Image captured by Road to VR

Calibration A pairing process was done beforehand by a TDK spokesperson, so I didn’t have a chance to find out what exactly needs to be done to get it ready (see update below). It was quick enough though, and was easily passed off to me for a hitch-free start that appeared to line up with my hands’ actual position.

The size of the tracking cone is difficult to substantiate in a single-player game where you can’t see what it looks like when you do inevitably lose positional tracking by putting your hands behind your back or covering up the emitters, although it’s clearly outside of the user’s in-game field of view by a large enough margin to not be noticeable.

Image captured by Road to VR

To that effect, I was actually able to shoot a gun from the hip when looking straight forward, showing that it’s large enough to accommodate holstering actions at the very least. The true test of the controller’s tracking volume invariably will come in social VR environments that use inverse kinematics (IK) to create full-bodied avatars so you can directly see when your controller leaves the positional tracking cone.

As noisy and chaotic as the show floor was, I was told there wasn’t really anything there that would throw off the controller’s tracking, as the company’s ultrasonic time-of-flight tech works well above even what even a dog can hear.

Image captured by Road to VR

It’s easy to see why HTC tapped Chirp as for its official HTC Vive 6DOF developer kit: it works reasonably well, is low enough latency for casual applications, and has pretty solid positional tracking, something I wasn’t able to break after spending a good amount of time in both a shooting and a sword fighting game. Jitter was more than what I’ve seen on Windows VR headsets, but much less than when I first saw Chirp when it was integrated into Pico Neo at CES a year ago.

That said, I was never thrown into something I play often like Beat Saber (2018) to really get a feel for the controller’s tracking latency, so just how it stands up to even PS Move or Windows VR headsets remains to be seen.

FinchShift – Full FOV, But Lacking Precision

FinchShift is slated to be sold by HTC soon as a part of an official 6DOF controller developer kit option, and has been certified by Qualcomm to work with their Snapdragon 845 VR Reference Design as well.

Like Chirp, FinchShift offers a basestation-less experience and 6DOF controller tracking, but that’s where the comparisons stop. As an IMU-based system that uses IK to approximate relative arm and hand position, FinchShift enjoys the ability to function with full 360 degree tracking—no faceplate required thanks to Bluetooth 4.2 wireless that sends data directly to the headset.

Image courtesy Finch Technologies

In fact, it’s such a low-power solution that Finch Technologies is promising upwards of 50+ hours of active operation time for the 100g (~3.5 oz) controllers.

The system includes two controllers and two armbands, the latter of which provides more tracking points so the IK system can do its job in estimating where your hands are in 3D space. Without the armbands, you’re left with a 3DOF controller which can be used for the same basic input as the one that comes stock with Vive Focus.

Image courtesy Finch Technologies

After a short chat about the company’s tech, I got a chance to try it for myself, strapping on the armbands and popping on the Vive Focus. Since calibration must be done on a person-to-person basis, I had to go through a brief set-up process which used Vive Focus’ on-board cameras to give me a visual guide so I could line my controllers up in the appropriate starting position. After trying several times to calibrate (more of the fault of the button mapping than the system itself), I was free to dive into my first VR app.

Note: FinchShift controllers feature white visual LED markers on the controllers, although these are only used to visually line up for initial calibration, and are not used for optical tracking on Vive Focus.

Image courtesy Finch Technologies

I was thrown into a drawing application similar to TiltBrush which gave me a good opportunity to see just how precise tracking was. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to draw so much as a straight line, as considerable jitter and drifting prevented the controllers from matching my hands’ physical position.

The simple action of moving one hand from left to right and drawing a horizontal line resulted in a bumpy, jagged line. I repeated this process several times from several different angles, tracing my own arm at its side as a stable point, and putting my hands by my sides and raising them in attempt to draw a straight vertical line—simple stuff—but it always seemed the controllers were constantly doing their own thing.

Foldaway Haptics is Making a Thumbstick for VR Controllers That Pushes Back

After noticing this, I asked to re-calibrate, but after going through the process again, I was left with the same result as before.

Moving on to a sword-wielding game similar to Fruit Ninja VR, it became clear to me that 1:1 precision was the definite weak point of FinchShift, just as it is in practically all of the controllers or motion capture suits that use IMU-based tracking and IK to approximate absolute position. Slicing the jumping enemies was easy because I was making quick, broad strokes that required much less precision.

What’s Next?

To be clear, Vive Focus is in a pretty strange middle ground. In China it’s sold as a consumer headset. Everywhere else it’s sold for enterprise users, although HTC isn’t stopping regular consumers from buying the $600 headset.

Now that HTC and Google are offering additional 6DOF controller options for their respective standalone headsets, my sneaking suspicion is the companies are playing a game of catch-up with content developers in the face of Oculus Quest looming in the near future, which promises 6DOF headset tracking and 6DOF motion controllers that work extremely well in our various demos with the device.

Further speculation: both Google and HTC are likely developing full 6DOF standalone headsets. Following a less than impressive launch of Lenovo Mirage Solo and Vive Focus, they’re taking the Frankenstein approach with these developer kit add-ons and using them as defacto 6DOF developer platforms. If my assumption is right, both companies need developers to start either adapting older VR apps, or building full 6DOF VR applications from the ground-up soon, otherwise both platforms could miss out on a glut of content suited to full room-scale interactions.

Again, neither company has announced definite plans to create respective devices capable of competing with Oculus Quest, although you can bet we’ll right there when they do.

Update (12:40 PM ET): Antony Vitillo of  VR/AR publication Skarred Ghost posted a helpful setup guide for the Chirp developer kit. According to Vitillo, what I saw at the booth was a simple pairing process, and not a bespoke calibration process. This has been corrected in the body of the article.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • The setup of the controllers for the Vive Focus is very easy: you just plug the Faceplate in the USB port of the device, then turn them on and press a button… voilà, they work.

    Nice article, and thanks for the comparison. I had doubts on that Finch controllers tracked with dead reckoning…

  • Proof XR Lab

    Mirage and Focus are interesting devices to try, but as your article mentioned, both in a strange middle ground until second generation can ship to consumer market with full 6DOF heads/hands and substantial suite of applications.

    Can they catch the Oculus Quest juggernaut which is currently hoovering up developers?

    • NooYawker

      Juggernaut? Do you know what that means to call someone a juggernaut? Even relatively speaking, with their small market, no company or device in VR can claim to be a juggernaut.

    • I think you’re looming “Juggernaut” has a true TITIAN looming behind it, with the Qualcomm VR spec. It’s first iteration will be the Vive Cosmos, but HTC has no control over the spec and it’s probably already well in-hand of other Chinese headset makers right now. They are going to flood the market and give you everything the Quest can, as well as an open market, cheaper prices, and a huge variety of possible features. And you can hook them all up to the computer for a high-quality experience at home. Compared to the Quest’s walled-garden market, slow tech revisions, and lack of PC support.

      The Quest will start out well ahead and be a darling of VR for upwards of a year, 2019 is definitely going to be the Year of the Quest…. but then it will quickly slip behind the curve as the Qualcomm-based headsets clean up.

      The Quest could well be the big success that everyone thinks about when they think about all-in-one HMD’s, kinda like IBM computers, Palm PDAs, the iPhone… but the future is in the open spec. When Oculus decided to pursue cheaper headsets over elite features, they laid out their path to obscurity.

      • Brian Burgess

        Your assumption is the same as many other hardcore enthusiasts, that consoles gamers and general consumers care about raw power. They don’t. They care most about content and price point. The Quest will feature a robust library and a reasonable price.

        You mention the Cosmos, which is not a standalone device and will have to connect to a smartphone to act as a portable . There are alot of questions left open on how such a device will perform compared to a true standalone VR headset in the wild. Battery life, VR optimization, general processing, all of that will be affected quite differently. I have my doubts that it will be the optimal way to use the Cosmos. A laptop sounds more reasonable, which really makes the Cosmos, and any other devices like it, more of a competitor to Windows MR.

        • G-man

          plus the cosmos is going to be a rip off, and most people will not buy it, never mind buy a phone that runs it. r a desktop that runs it. whereas anyone can buy a quest. i’ll probably even buy my parents one because they could actualy use it, but the cosmos, they wouldnt have a clue what to do with it.

  • Rowdy123

    So essentially – even jerry-rigged with a second party device (now makes an expensive deadset even more expensive) – it is not as good as Quest is.

    • G-man

      exactly, this thing is going to be at least $1000, compared to the quest at $400. who would ever pay that for the same level of features.

  • Roomscale is a fun idea, in theory, but in my experience, not practicallity. Most of these mobile devices will still get used like most VR setups are now, sitting on a couch. It’s great to have the option, but homes are still cramped and using these outside of the home is just inviting trouble. At most we get to stand up, move around 1 or 2 feet.

    Maybe someday, if VR keeps moving forward, maybe we’ll see people renting or sharing large play spaces for others. I’d join a “VR Club” to get some elbow room to really enjoy “roomscale”.

    • G-man

      people can use these anywhere. people are limited to using a desktop vr headset on their couch if they have no space, but theres no reason a standalone headset would end up the same when they can take it with them and use it absolutely anywhere.

    • WyrdestGeek

      Actually, that’s a good point.

      There are a few VR arcades right now, but not many.

      The (I’m hoping) future success of Oculus Quest could spur the demand for more VR arcades for when people want *more* than what the Quest can do, but still don’t want to fork over the money, and semi-permantly dedicate part of their living space to, an expensive HTC Vive rig in the home.