
Guided Meditation VR (Quest, PC VR) – $10, $15

Could there be a more clearly named VR meditation game? Guided Meditation VR has 40 nature filled environments with many individual meditation spots across them. You can pick from a list of environments, music, and narrations which will guide you through different meditation techniques to help you relax, unwind, and forget about the world (if only for a moment). You can also choose no narration at all to simply relax and enjoy the sights and sounds (or even mix in your own music).

TRIPP (Quest, PSVR 2) – Free, $60

TRIPP offers guided meditation experiences that unfold through fantastical environments. With a subscription, the app promises more than 100 meditations that will help you breath and let go.

Cosmic Flow (Quest, PC VR) – Free

Cosmic Flow is like white noise for your eyes, delivering kaleidoscopic visuals for losing (or maybe finding) yourself. Though not feature-rich, it’s hard to argue with that blissful price of free.


Pillow (Quest) – $10

Pillow is a mixed reality app for Quest 3 that’s uniquely designed to be used when laying down. And as far as relaxation goes, it’s hard not to relax when you’re laying down. And while you’re hanging out on your couch or in your bed you’ll be presented with relaxing but imaginative activities like fishing through your ceiling!


Marvellous Machine (PC VR) – Free

Marvellous Machine is a free 15 minute thoughtfulness exercise wrapped up in a graphically impressive VR experience. You’ll be seated as you’re toured along a track listening to a narration which aims to introduce you to the basics of mindfulness. The app will encourage you to look at your surroundings, and your thoughts, in a different way.


Fujii (Quest, PC VR) – $10

Fujii is a peaceful, explorative journey through a whimsical world of vibrant plants and cute critters. Though this definitely fits in the ‘game’ genre, it’s a purely peaceful game—there’s no enemies or health bars or pressure—just an inviting world with light puzzles and secrets to find at your own pace. You’ll frequently return to a garden where you can plant and tend to the flora and fauna that you collect throughout your journey. Though the game isn’t specifically designed around meditation, between your garden and other parts of the world, there’s plenty of lovely places to spend a few minutes to sit and smell the roses.

Read Our Review

Spheres (Quest) – $10

Spheres is an interactive narrative experience that will take you on a compelling tour of the cosmos. You’ll be encouraged to reach out and touch the worlds before you and listen to the songs they sing into the void. This experience is equal parts cosmology and imagination. Spheres now supports hand-tracking on Quest so you can play it without even picking up your controllers.

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Did we miss any of your favorites? Drop your suggestions below!

Great Resources for Quest 2 & Quest 3

The Very Best Quest Games

The Quest library can be daunting, but here are our picks for the very best Quest games.

Free Quest Games

If you’re looking to explore VR without investing money right out of the gate, definitely check out our list of the Best Free Quest Games for a bunch of fun options that won’t cost you a dime up front.

Essential Quest Tips, Tricks, and Settings

If you’re just diving into VR as a new Quest owner, you should absolutely check out our Quest Tips & Tricks Guide for a heap of useful tricks and settings you’ll want to know about.

Fitness and Fun on Quest

For fitness in VR that’s as fun as it is physical, check out our suggestion for a VR Workout Routine.

Flex Your Creativity in VR

And last but not least, if you’re a creative type looking to express yourself in VR, our list of Tools for Painting, Modeling, Designing & Animating in VR offers a huge range of artful activities, with something for everyone from fiddlers to professionals.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."