VR Platformer ‘To The Top’ to Land on PSVR This Month, Launch Trailer Here

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To The Top (2017), the VR platforming game that first released on Steam, is heading to PSVR on May 29th.

Using a the ‘grab the world’ locomotion mechanic, you use your superhuman jumping powers to traverse over 35 levels, replete with obstacles and a diverse set of challenges along the way. To move, you simply point your motion controller at your designated target, and it physically ‘grabs on’ to the game’s many barriers and architecture so you can fling yourself forward. Using the locomotion system, you’ll be able to climb, skate, fly and control yourself in the air.

Created by Electric Hat Games and Panic Button, To The Top is set in the futuristic world filled with piloted robots. Joining the ‘To The Top Academy’, you test your skills to see if you are capable of piloting the high-flying machines. You can either explore the environment, or compete against other players online for the fastest times.

To The Top supports both PlayStation Move controllers, or a single DualShock 4 controller.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Steve Johnson

    I have a feeling that is yet ANOTHER PSVR game that would be tremendously better if Sony had joysticks on their Move controllers. *SIGH!*
    That said, this looks pretty good!

    • rabs

      I guess this is a joke. The point of the game is to jump around with robotic arms, so joysticks would be useless here (as there are on PC version).

      • Steve Johnson

        No joke, I didn’t know the mechanics of the game, so glad to hear that that’s how you move around. That said, if the PS5 version of the PSVR 2 (?) doesn’t gave locomotion controls – and full 360 degree tracking – like the Vive and Rift does, I’ll drop Sony like a bad habit.

    • Tenka

      The only thing I would say might be a bit of a deal with PSVR is the lack of 360 degree tracking. On PC .. just being able to turn around is a big advantage. The game has some really cool snap/smooth/grab turning mechanics however and its possible to compete with top times using them .. but it will require a little more work to learn how to use them to get maximum potential.

  • Pedro Kayatt

    I have my concerns about how much time takes before someone gets ryl sick with that… anyone has tried can say?

    • rabs

      Don’t know, for me it’s comfortable but I’m not especially sensitive.
      Air control is gaze directed, it helps for some people I guess.

      I’m more used to controller directed and being able to look around, so I ended-up into walls a few times at the beginning, but it worked fine after I expected that behavior.

    • J.C.

      I have this game, the way the movement system works is a series of hops, and they’re based entirely on where you’re looking. It’s surprisingly comfortable, even friends who have been especially sensitive to artificial locomotion find it to be fine.

      I don’t understand how the dual shock will work, there are several sections of the game that require monkey-bar movement. If the ENTIRE game was just hops, the controller might do OK. Maybe some levels were redesigned to allow all-hopping?

      This is one of my favorite games, each level is visually distinct, it has actual songs, not just electronica (love it or hate it), and each level has multiple goals/routes to explore. One of the first truly “full size” games for VR.

    • Tenka

      I have over 390 hours in it as of typing.

      When I first began playing I experienced no motion sickness, but I did get vertigo from the intense falling. It took maybe around half an hour and the vertigo was gone. A few days later this game also rid me of any fear of heights IRL.