First Contact Entertainment is finally bringing its most recent team VR shooter, Solaris Offworld Combat (2020), to PSVR today.

First launched on Oculus Quest and Rift late last year, the 4v4 arena shooter has struggled to replicate the same level of fanfare as the studio’s mil-sim team shooter, Firewall: Zero Hour (2018)Solaris focuses on fast-paced action, quick respawns, and abstracts away most all of the shooting realism which has seemed to have hooked diehard Firewall fans over the last few years.

Built around its ‘Control Point’ game mode, which is essentially a constantly shifting game of ‘King of the Hill’, Solaris pits players against each other to either reach the score limit, or have the most points before the five-minute round is over. We went hands-on before it launched last year on Quest and Rift, and you can read our full impressions here.

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It’s a well-made game that is possibly too simplistic in some respects. The PSVR version however supports both DualShock 4 and PSVR Aim, which seem better suited to the single-handed nature of the game’s gunplay. It’s uncertain to what extent the game will support cross-play with the Quest/Rift versions though, and it seems we’ll have to wait until later today to find out.

In an effort to drum up support, the studio is offering 50% off for PlayStation Plus subscribers for the first two weeks after launch, putting Solaris at just $12.50. If you’re curious to see Solaris is action on Quest, check out our five-minute gameplay video below:

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • For sure Solaris had very interesting interfaces

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