Watch Real Madrid vs. Bayern Munich Tonight in VR

Bundesliga champions FC Bayern Munich are up against La Liga’s Real Madrid tonight for the 2016 International Champions Cup, and providing you have a Gear VR, you can watch it livestreaming in virtual reality starting August 3rd at 7:30 PM ET (click for local time).

Being able to go anywhere and experience anything is one of the advertised perks of virtual reality, and while that’s not exactly true just yet, NextVR is inching ever closer with their coverage of live sporting events like this year’s ICC, the annual ‘friendly’ soccer tournament that sees some of the biggest clubs play around the world.

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NextVR’s cameras will capture the Bayern Munich v. Real Madrid match in wide-FOV stereoscopic view from multiple angles, allowing viewers a vantage point from the stands, along the sidelines, midfield and behind the goal.

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The virtual reality broadcast will be available free in the ICC channel on the NextVR app to what the company calls a “select worldwide audience.” Because sporting events are always licensed differently in different countries, make sure you have access to the ICC channel before dedicating your night/morning/afternoon to the match.

Match highlights from the Liverpool vs. Chelsea and Real Madrid vs. Chelsea—two previous matches covered by NextVR cameras—can currently be viewed through the app as well.

NextVR has recently concentrated on streaming live sporting events such as US Open golf, NBA basketball, and Premier Boxing Champions to name a few, but also had their cameras pointed at U.S. political events such as both Democratic and Republican presidential nominee debates. We expect to see more livestreamed sports on the platform thanks to the company’s 5-year partnership with FOX Sports.

How to Watch Tonight’s Match

  • Dock your phone in the Gear VR headset and open Oculus Home.
  • Download and open the NextVR app.
  • NextVR features a NEW dedicated ICC channel, along with MLB, FOX Sports, NBA and more.
  • NextVR recommends you connect to wi-fi when downloading or streaming content.

Disclosure:​ At the time of writing, Next VR is running advertisements on Road to VR.

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